Please can you resolve this? Please apply your judgement. I am eligible in all respects, but I happened to click on Pay button without the code (FREEDOMI03) is not properly entered.
E-BAY Interview process:
Candidate: Sir, I am through with the Interview, Am I selected?
Interviewer: No. You are rejected.
C: But sir, why? Did I answer anything incorrect?
I: No.. your answers are correct.
C: Are you looking for better skills?
I: No you have met all our expectations.
C: Oh..Ok Then was my appearance or communication bad.
I : No you are perfect.
C: Then why am I rejected sir?
I: You didn't say "I want to work for EBAY"
C: But sir,,.. I want o work here, so I am here for the interview.
I: No you didn't say it. When I was recruited, I said the same.
C: Ok Sir.. I will tell that now " I want to work for EBAY"
I: No No... You should say that at the time of interview.
C: Sir, I have met all your expectations answered all your questions
correctly right?
I: Yes. But you are rejected for not saying it.
I was rejected to get a gift 500GB HD, because I didn't mention the code
FREEDOMI03. Isn't it cheating?
I have met all the criteria, and asked ebay exectives to apply the code immediately after purchase.
Please someone help