Yes, I also have many bitter experiences while purchasing, like got fake item, product is worse than description etc. Sellers list their product with title such as "Sparingly Used", "Like New" "Never Used", but most of the items are worse than expected.
Here everyone wants to prove that he is the best salesman.
Since ebay offer PaisaPay protection, but its time consuming to get your refund. Ebay takes more than 30 days to approve refund even both parties are agree to cancel the order before that date, its discouraging and humiliating. I never got return shipping cost from ebay, they close your case without your consent and before sorting out all issues.
I tried to report those fake/Replica/Clone items to ebay, but those items are still there and never got removed. Its like mockery of ebay's listing policies that is being protected by ebay itself.
Note:-These are not criticism but complains.