Should ebay charge us for the INEFFICIENT Selling Manager ?

Community Member

There are number of problems which all Sellers are facing after the launch of New PaisaPay.

1. Icons highlighting problem.
2. Phone numbers of the Buyer not showing up.
3. Mis-match in the shipping address where the Buyer is gifting an Item
4. Un-dependable Awaiting Shipment link

etc. etc.

We are basically not using Selling Manager .... but at the moment are totally dependant on PaisaPay Page.

It's almost over a month now and the issues are still un-resolved.

Sales are drastically down .... work load has increased many folds.

Why should ebay charge us for the inefficient Selling Manager ?

I don't know what the other Sellers think about it .... but it's a limit now .... all the issues related to Selling Manager and New Paisapay must be resolved within a specified Time Frame.

If ebay has forced the delivery TIME FRAMES on Sellers .... then they should also be committed to such TIME FRAMES ..... and provide an efficient platform, at the earliest. .

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 1 of 9
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Should ebay charge us for the INEFFICIENT Selling Manager ?

Hello Umang Midha,
Time frame will be imposed on you,but PaisaPay will not give a time frame.They will tell you to wait till expiry of some window stuff.
I am bad at computer and my English language is poor.If somebdy could tell the meaning in Hindi!!!
Message 2 of 9
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Should ebay charge us for the INEFFICIENT Selling Manager ?

Dear Umangji,
I am agree with you.eBay should either stop charging for Selling Manager or should rectify all the technical fault as soon as possible.

Keeping in mind that sellers are the major source of revenue for eBay,eBay should at least refund the amount of Selling manager as it was not at all working properly.

eBay want all seller to be responsible and keep the buyers satisfied all the time but eBay is not following the same policy.

we seller are the customer for eBay and eBay should not keep on putting all the burden on us.eBay is not able to keep the sellers satisfied.
We can see most of the sellers are suffering from low sales,Some had already migrated to other portals and me myself had stopped listing my items on eBay as there is too much of risk involve.

Well lets see when eBay realize its mistakes and work on it.

Thanks to Umangji that he had taken his precious times to write the truth but I am afraid that eBay will really give any attention to your post. But I am sure all the eBay members will surely support you.

Best Regards,
Deep Agarwal.
Shree Krishna Gems

Message 3 of 9
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Should ebay charge us for the INEFFICIENT Selling Manager ?


I use the SM to print shipping lables.

Today PaisaPay employee said that the address given is SM is wrong ๐Ÿ˜ž

Now where do I print my shipping labels from?

200 x 2 ids + service tax down the drain.

Message 4 of 9
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Should ebay charge us for the INEFFICIENT Selling Manager ?

Community Member
I dont think anybody from eBay is going to reply here like the NEFT charges thread ( no posting for 3 weeks from eBay despite of too many replies), after all no body is praising ebay here.

May be someone from ebay will put a reply to twist the matter to some other direction. That is what I find now-a-days from replies of ebay pinks ( may be they should now be called EBAY BLACKS because they want to keep or put everything in dark from the "ebay members"). .
Best Regards ๐Ÿ˜„

Best Regards ๐Ÿ˜„

Message 5 of 9
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Should ebay charge us for the INEFFICIENT Selling Manager ?

Community Member

Just saw a posting that Sapana is out of station till 4th Feb. Hope that explains the dismal response of ebay on these boards. However its not a good sign that only because Sapana is not there we are left unanswered and puzzled for eons. .
Best Regards ๐Ÿ˜„

Best Regards ๐Ÿ˜„

Message 6 of 9
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Should ebay charge us for the INEFFICIENT Selling Manager ?

Community Member
Hi All,

Yes, Its been a long time that the bugs in Selling Manager has been reported and haven't yet fixed.

1. SM / SM Pro isn't sending automated remainder mails and need to done manually.

2. I can't archive the completed transaction, phone numbers of the buyer doesn't show, some times shows wrong shipped date of the dispatched item.

3. Though the product has been shipped, doesn't get updated under Items I've Sold and Selling Manager.

4. I need to log out and re-login to view all the details in New PaisaPay.

Umang, I totally agree with you and eBay should fix the issue asap. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) ๐Ÿ˜‰
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) ๐Ÿ˜‰
Message 7 of 9
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Should ebay charge us for the INEFFICIENT Selling Manager ?

I know this thread was started in 2008 and I am purposely adding to it to SHOW that not much has changed since 2008.

In 2012 also the very same problems EXISTS some of which I have listed below:

1. SM Pro is not sending automated mails and manually sent mails are also not going. 8 mails sent on 14-May-2012 18:45:22 have still not been sent till now. There is a delay of 17 hours, this is just madness as we are paying so much money for this useless service (Just to think about it, 1 years subscription to SM Pro costs more than a legal copy of Windows XP professional !!!)

2. SM Pro shows wrong shipment date for the items when "item is treated as received".

I request ebay to set things right on URGENT basis or not to charge us till SM Pro works correctly.
Message 8 of 9
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Should ebay charge us for the INEFFICIENT Selling Manager ?

Once again I am updating this topic, Nothing has been done for 4yrs to improve selling manager pro. My last posting 15 days back has had no effect and no improvement in the service. Again today there is a delay of more than 12hrs in sending out mails to buyers.

Why cannot ebay do something about it and should not charge us money till things are sorted out. When we pay we have the right to demand a working service not a defunct service were ebay just cheats us for some crap software.

This is daylight robbery by ebay.
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