Seller sachin_thapar is the most cheater and fake seller on

I bought a iphone replica called hiphone from this seller worth Rs. 5300, and it was given to me with lifetime warranty, and it was a Product guaranteed with VALID IMEI numbers, but it was NOT.

after the phone was received, the charger never was able to charge the phone, i wrote to seller, twice and he never replied to me, i used an external charger to charge batteries, so it worked kind of.

But the real problem started when fake IMEI number handsets started blocking, The phone stopped working, when it was guaranteed as a REAL IMEI numbers phone.

This seller is total thief and is stealing money directly selling defunct products. I urge all ebay community of selers and buyers to boycott such lame people who dont have a life other then begging or stealing others' hard earned money, shame to their life and their existance.
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Seller sachin_thapar is the most cheater and fake seller on

Other part of cheating from this seller sachin_thapar is that when you receive the product bought from him, he sends a letter, that gives u an order, "If you dont give me 5 starts in all the areas and a positive feedback within 24 hours, your guarantee of product is void and is not applicable" its total blackmailing and exploitation, I really hate this kind of sellers, in my 15 our of total 16 purchases on ebay i had great experiences, but this seller, is most disappointing cheater on ebay.
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Seller sachin_thapar is the most cheater and fake seller on


you can contact sachin for this issue and he will help you out contact him.writing here will not sort your problem.

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Seller sachin_thapar is the most cheater and fake seller on

If you read my post nicely, u wil see I tried to contact him, but no use.. its a case of stealing and stealers dont have a life at all. all they get is money stealed and bad fortune
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Seller sachin_thapar is the most cheater and fake seller on

Community Member
Companies now a days do not give any sort of guarantee on their products. What they give is a 6 months to 2 years warranty against any manufacturing defects. After that the customer can apply for a warranty extension. However, I have never heard about getting lifetime warranty. No company in this world will offer this type of offer on their products.
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