Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested
eBay Employee
eBay Employee
Dear Users,

In order to help our buyer with better information on seller feedback, we have launched a new customisable option, by which the buyer can choose to display seller’s feedback on the search result and listings page. The seller’s Feedback score will appear directly underneath the item title / subtitle. It will appear like this:

As of now this feature is optional. However, we have received feedback from some sellers that this feature should be made available by default so that all buyers could benefit. At the same time, some users feel that having this feature by default will hurt the interest of new sellers with low feedback.

We will invite you as a buyer / seller to participate in this debate and give your views on the same.
• Do you think having the feedback information on the search page by default will benefit a buyer and help in his buying decision?
• Do you think it could adversely affect new users with low ratings?

To post your views, click on post a reply button on top of the page.

Warm Regards,

P.S: To display Feedback information, "Customise Display" link on top right-hand side of any search results or listings page >>> "Display Feedback information" checkbox >>> Save
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Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested

Community Member
Hi All

My view is that feedback should be displayed by default. I don't agree that this is going to have a bad effect on new sellers. As described by runalaila_in1. An established seller will have some benefit but it has taken a lot of time and work to reach there. All were new at one point of time but gradually after working hard and smart, giving better offer to customers or introducing some unique products, better customer service they have gained a good reputation. It is not stopping new sellers to do the same. New seller should be aiming to develop a good reputation (feedback) rather than wanting to hide the feedbacks. As mentioned by Hitesh if a new seller has a unique product or better offer he will surely get buyers. Even a new seller can maintain 100% feedback if not a big figure. If feedback is not displayed properly it will lose its importance. Displaying feedback is good for both sellers and buyers. =============
Message 11 of 34
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Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested

Community Member
Feedback should be displayed by default!
Message 12 of 34
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Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested

Community Member
Looking at all the posts, i agree with touch_and_shine's reply the most and i am really happy that she also thinks about new seller's sales.
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Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested

Community Member
This could be a gud idea on eBay international sites because even most of the buyers have ratings above 50 and more than 90% sellers have ratings much above 100ds.

In comparision on indian sites new sellers are added on virtually daily basis and as tuch n shine explained this could be a big disadvantage to the new sellers who are just starting out.
Message 14 of 34
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Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested

Community Member
Feedbac & negative ratings for last 3 months should be by default.

Message 15 of 34
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Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested

Community Member
Hi All

Further to my earlier post as mentioned by Umangji Ebay people have spent some time and resources to develop this new feature which would be useful for all the buyers. If it is not displayed by default I don't think 90% of the buyers will go to customize the display to view the feedbacks. If the buyers are not able to use it for their benefit then it is a real waste of time and resources by Ebay. All the good work these people have done will go into trash.. =============
Message 16 of 34
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Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested

Community Member
Hi, Sapana

After doing lots of R & D eBay as invented this great tool for the Buyer's benefit. This i can say cause i'm pure Buyer.

I totally agree with Mr. Umang Midha that Buyer's usually don't have time to go & do survey regarding what eBay as introduce new tool for whose benefit.

Whatever tools are developed for the benefit of Buyers than it should be there by default and let each members decide whether to USE IT or NOT.

Don't let your Energy, Time & Money go waste into a DRAIN.

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Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested

Default. No other way! Otherwise what it the use of building up ratings. With every single negative I wiould be inclined to thrash the id and create a new one 🙂
Message 18 of 34
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Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested

Hi. We too agree to the fact that it must be available by Default.

We state the points below for saying so:

1. Let's Face it. If eBay does a Survey right now on how many buyers are aware of this feature and how to activare it what would you think would be the %? Definitely less than 10% of all buyers. Buyers do not have time to come to community boards and read features carefully. Hence we feel introduction of this feature would be useless if it is not the default option.

2. A buyer does get irritated and loses interest if he has to click each listing to check Seller Feedback. This would greatly increase convienience hence improving his experience on eBay and making him come back for more.

3. We feel this step will also help curb the number of new and false sellers. At a glance a buyer can see which listing he need not even see. (For example a seller is offering an item at less than 50% market price but with this feature it will be noticed that his feedback is very low 0 or 1 or 2 and that too 50% Positive Feedback). Hence buyer will know to stay away.

4. We feel it will not affect genuine new users with low ratings as if they are indeed genuine they will strive to keep their feeback atleast above 80%.

Conclusion: Yes, Having the feedback information on the search page by default Will Benefit a buyer and help in his buying decision?

No, It would Not adversely affect New Genuine Users with low ratings.

Message 19 of 34
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Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested

Community Member
Dear Sapna Gee, Instead worring your self about the feed back of the seller, try to sort out the problems of buyers when they get cheated by sellers. Concentrate on sellers who cheat buyers, and make them pay back 100% refund of the buyer along with the expences of return post. This step will be more constructive rather than having default feed back.
With regards and best wishes
Dr. Shamim A. Hassan
Khobar Saudi Arabia
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