Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested
eBay Employee
eBay Employee
Dear Users,

In order to help our buyer with better information on seller feedback, we have launched a new customisable option, by which the buyer can choose to display seller’s feedback on the search result and listings page. The seller’s Feedback score will appear directly underneath the item title / subtitle. It will appear like this:

As of now this feature is optional. However, we have received feedback from some sellers that this feature should be made available by default so that all buyers could benefit. At the same time, some users feel that having this feature by default will hurt the interest of new sellers with low feedback.

We will invite you as a buyer / seller to participate in this debate and give your views on the same.
• Do you think having the feedback information on the search page by default will benefit a buyer and help in his buying decision?
• Do you think it could adversely affect new users with low ratings?

To post your views, click on post a reply button on top of the page.

Warm Regards,

P.S: To display Feedback information, "Customise Display" link on top right-hand side of any search results or listings page >>> "Display Feedback information" checkbox >>> Save
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Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested

Community Member
Dear Sapana,

Seller's feedback on the search page itself will definitely help. After alomost cheated by a seller(who joined recently) I started checking the feedback of sellers without fail. Showing on searcg page will definitely save me few more clicks.

Following are my suggestions:
1. Only buyers' feedback % should be shown. It is misleading to see overall feedback. It happened in my case. The seller , at the outset, strategically bought several items at less than Rs.100. He promptly paid and accumulated positive feedback (total cost is less than Rs.500). Later he started his trades in high value mobiles and laptops. Till such time negative feedback started accumulating, the overall feedback was misleading. Hence only feedback from buyers should be shown.
2. This leads to another question. Can there be an index computed with number of feedback with weight of trade value? Am I getting to the point. A seller may be honest in low value products. But he may fail in high value products. See the example
200 positive feedback for a trade value of Rs.1000
5 negative feedback for trade value of Rs.75000.
In net seller has negative feedback worth Rs.-65000.
Feedback now makes more meaningful.
Figure it out as how to incorporate weight of trade value.
3. Along with feedback, I started checking out the period of seller's existence in ebay. This is strongly advised in many pages. This can also be shown next to feedback %


Palani K.S
Message 31 of 34
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Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested

Community Member
indeed a very very intelligent feedback from
" palaniks " ... in his post ... he has a very very valid point to make !
if you monitor closely ... exactly what this gemtleman has pointed is happening on the site especially if you monitor the most likely defaulters ... 🙂
Message 32 of 34
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Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested
Community Member
Thank you everyone for posting your views on this topic. I am happy to announce that this feature is now displayed as default in the Search Results and Listings pages.
Community Development Team

Thanks and Regards,
Buyer Engagement Team
Message 33 of 34
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Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested

Community Member
Sometimes this does not show up and I have to change the settings again. Is this normal?

P C Nandi
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