Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested
eBay Employee
eBay Employee
Dear Users,

In order to help our buyer with better information on seller feedback, we have launched a new customisable option, by which the buyer can choose to display seller’s feedback on the search result and listings page. The seller’s Feedback score will appear directly underneath the item title / subtitle. It will appear like this:

As of now this feature is optional. However, we have received feedback from some sellers that this feature should be made available by default so that all buyers could benefit. At the same time, some users feel that having this feature by default will hurt the interest of new sellers with low feedback.

We will invite you as a buyer / seller to participate in this debate and give your views on the same.
• Do you think having the feedback information on the search page by default will benefit a buyer and help in his buying decision?
• Do you think it could adversely affect new users with low ratings?

To post your views, click on post a reply button on top of the page.

Warm Regards,

P.S: To display Feedback information, "Customise Display" link on top right-hand side of any search results or listings page >>> "Display Feedback information" checkbox >>> Save
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Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested

Community Member

will adversely affect new users and sellers with low ratings. In this case
naturally the buyer will buy the product like --- Take an example --- U went for
in search for Nokia 7610 . 4 sellers are selling the same product

seller is with 4 feedbacks

2nd seller
is with 0 feedback

3rd seller
is with 60 feedbacks

and the 4th
seller is with 1050 feedbacks.

Tell me u as
a buyer will like to buy with whom ? Naturally and very obvious --- 4th seller.
In this way new sellers won't get good sales. So this shouldn't be made default.


Seller on

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Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested

Hi Sapana,

It will help old seller's to sell more and more. Less sale )or No Sale) for new sellers.

This system is usefull from a buyer point of view.

Warm wishes
Lalit Jain
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Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested

Community Member
Hello Sapana,

ebay has spent so much money & man-hours to develop this product.

Just tell me...... For whom and for what?

I think for Buyers so that they can use it.

But these Buyers, in general, are not aware.... as how to use it. They just don't have so much time like Sellers who are in & day out.

So if you don't want that these Buyer should know about this tool ...........then better DUMP it.

No point in hiding a thing from the people for whom this has been developed.

If ebay feels it would do more damage than GOOD than just scrap it.

As far as effect on New Seller v/s Old Seller is concerned ...there is a COMPARISON tool.... which already exist and which is much more advanced as far as comparison is concerned.

I don't think more than 3 % of the Buyers in India are using it.

What ever tools are developed should be there by default and let each members decide wheather to use it or NOT.




best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
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Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested

Community Member
hi ... intersting debate indeed .... we all were new sellers some day or other ... but using whatever tactics against old sellers like attractive prices or offering freebies ... we managed to reached here today ....

we have to look at ultimately from the buyers side of view .... if he is adventorous enough he shall go for new sellers ,,,, or else he should be given a fair view of all the products offered by various sellers ... and based on my personal experience ebay buyers always support new buyers if the product is good ... prices are right and service minded seller!!

lets say one fine day ... a new cloth shop opens in front of say an established one in prime business area like COLABA .... the municipal authorities wont say cover the established shop' signboard or else no body will go into the new shop ..... the new shop has to stand on its own ... offer attractive discounts ... work on lower margins and use various tactics to call the customers in their shop ... then if the have the goods at the right prices why wont the customers buy ??? i do not find no reason !!! .... but just for the sake of getting the new shop established ... covering the old shop is no good idea ..... after all the older shops have forsaken their profits/margins when they were new too .... the authority has to see that the customer gets the best products with best of services .... which is the primary goal as they want to retain customers and not ward off the customers permanently ..... what if the customer complaints after having a bad experience with a new shop ... that why was he/she not shown the facts that a good shop existed in colaba ???? the basic thing is that the customer should not leave colaba and go to bandra ... which is a net loss for the old as well as the new sellers !!!
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Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested

Community Member
this is with reference to touchnshine's assessment ..
lets study the nokia 7610 ....
marketing economics would suggest that
the seller with feedback 1050 points lists at 5000.00 which is treated as a fair value ...
the seller with 60 feedbacks has to list at 4900.00
the seller with 4 feedbacks has to list at 4800.00
and the seller with zero feedbacks has to list at 4750.00
this is a basic rule as per my evaluation
.... let the buyers decide then they want it SASTA or peace of mind ... there are buyers in plenty ,, who if properly attended ( answering queries promptly) by new sellers having well decorated listings and offering a shade lower prices ,,, would definitely go for new sellers too ...B-)
why take new sellers ... i as a seller with 50 feedbacks do not risk my standing in front of 1000 oddd feedbacks ??? but so what let the buyers decide and if there is a bit of advantage to the 1000 feedback guy ... sir he deserves that extra edge based on his performances ... in fact the 1000 feedback guy will also be standing in front of a 5000 feedback guy .... 😉

but thats the way it should be ..... why is a goodwill of a firm so sought after .... if new and old sellers can share the same platform ?

if old sellers and new sellers are to be treated at PAR ?
why does ebay not allow new sellers to start listing in 100's of items from the first day ? why does it not allow them to use featured listings from day 1 ???
just because the customers cannot be told later that the new sllers are in a learning process ... execuse them if they delivered a toy phone instead of a nokia
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Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested

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buyers are passionate about their dealings over ebay ..
check this post :

assuming him to be a new user ... most probably if he had the facts and figures about the feedback shown prominently ... he would not have landed in this situation and get this upset to take such a step as posted by him ....

it is not that he may not land in such a situation with established sellers ... but at least he would have consoled himself that he chose to take a calculated risk after studying all the facts !!!

it is the duty of this site to be as transparent as one can be ... and display promptly and clearly whatever is in the interst of the buyers .... buyers are the lifeline of this system !!!
Message 7 of 34
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Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested

Community Member
Dear Sapana,

I think what are more important are -ve feedbacks (as per ebay advice for buyers ) and mutual withdrawls (because some sellers make it a condition for refund like invogue-inc3).

Hence your system should better show the no of -ve feedbacks recd by the seller/ buyer in recent time and no of Mutual withdrawls.

Best Regards 😄

Message 8 of 34
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Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested

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Dear Sapana,

This is in addition to my earlier reply. If you include the no. of -ve feedbacks recd by a seller in recent (say 1 / 6 months) then it will be beneficial for the new sellers. Whereas the feedback scopes will be helpful for the older ones. Thus both will be satisfied but the buyers will benefit by having the synopsis easily while selecting the items.

Swarup Dutta
Best Regards 😄

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Seller Feedback on Search Result and Listing page - your feedback requested

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emailswarup's points are worth considering ... he has a valid point ... and will definitely help buyes come to a fair judgement
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