Power sellers Insulted and humiliated in Delhi

Community Member
I am a power seller from Delhi.
I wish no body goes through what i have gone through, My only fault was that i was a POWER Seller.
On 4 th January I received an invitation from EBay for the movie GURU, venue PVR Priya Date 14th Jan 2007, time 7:15 PM, as this was a small reward from EBay for being a Power Seller and upholding EBay Values,
EBay representatives were kind enough to call me 3 times and confirmed that i will reach the venue on time with my partner, Final Confirmation was done just 24 hours before the show with time and venue, we were told to reach the venue at least 30 mins before show time, and a person with EBay t shirt(for identification) will be waiting for us outside the Hall, and on presenting him the letter we will be given 2 complementary tickets, But on reaching the hall I was shocked to see a small unreadable notice on the ticket window, which read "EBay show Venue PVR Plaza Connaught Place". I was shocked to see the board. Driving down to the last moment changed venue was not possible as would have taken us at least 60 mins in given traffic conditions, and we had just 15 minutes in our hand. Suddenly i saw no of persons in the same state as mine with EBay invitations in hand. On contacting them everyone had the same story to tell, and everyone was in a state of shock, everyone felt humiliated, On contacting the Cinema hall management , we were bluntly told that show venue has been shifted and we should rush there, which was practically impossible.
Finally there was no one to answer us , and we had to come back home.
I am a medical practitioner by profession,I am a man of high dignity, honour and self esteem, and today i was insulted and humiliated in front of everyone
Till Yesterday i was proud to be an Ebayer and a Power seller ,The Power Seller symbol which i was proud of, is no more a Pride for me.I request EBay to please remove this symbol against my name .
Message 1 of 19
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Power sellers Insulted and humiliated in Delhi

Community Member
I feel sad for all Delhi power sellers, eBay team should have informed atleast 2 hours before. Hope this will not happen again... ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) ๐Ÿ˜‰
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) ๐Ÿ˜‰
Message 11 of 19
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Power sellers Insulted and humiliated in Delhi

Community Member
Dear Powerseller Team,

I was also initially upset about the things that happened...But now i realise that it was not done intentionally after all!!!!I congratulate u for the successful show at the other parts of India.I can see many happy powersellers here sharing their great experience.

Sumtimes things do get out of control and that was exactly what happened at Delhi...so my request to other powersellers of Delhi is to Forgive ebay this time and Not to change ur views drastically about the powerseller team.If we have worked hard....the team has also worked hard with us guiding us from time to time.....so it wud really not be justified to form a bad opinion and not to trust them just for this one mistake.

Cheer up everyone......

Message 12 of 19
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Power sellers Insulted and humiliated in Delhi

Community Member


I receive a rose bouquet today
from Ebay plus it contains movie tickets as well as combo coupons at any PVR --
any time and valid till 13th April, 07. A letter was there of apology.

Message 13 of 19
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Power sellers Insulted and humiliated in Delhi

Hmm no comments on this topic the cinema hall was too far from my place that i didn't went to see the movie and instead gave my tickets to my elder sister who said she had to rush to another picture hall to see the movie ๐Ÿ˜ž the movie was good but she too had to face problems ... else everything went well with her

I wish the show would have been arranged in a nearest theater instead so that everyone would have loved to go to the movie these days it's very cold here in Delhi and going to a place that is too far from residence is hard to manage especially when it's a evening show "Lord, I have done many things wrong. I am guilty, but to show your goodness, forgive me for everything I did. When people choose to follow the Lord, he shows them the best way to live.โ€
"Lord, I have done many things wrong. I am guilty, but to show your goodness, forgive me for everything I did. When people choose to follow the Lord, he shows them the best way to live.โ€
Message 14 of 19
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Power sellers Insulted and humiliated in Delhi

Community Member
Wow.....I am really delighted!!!!

I too received a beautiful flower boquet with pvr vouchers and combo vouchers..They can be reedeemed at any nearest PVR cinema and is valid upto april.

Thats a really nice arrangement....Thanx to ebay team.

Message 15 of 19
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Power sellers Insulted and humiliated in Delhi

Dear eBay Team,
Many Many THANKS to you for the beautiful Chocklate Box which I received today(This is because eBay was unable to arrange a show of movie "Guru" in my City Surat).

But I am very happy to get such a nice gift.

I hope eBay will keep appreciating the good work of all powersellers.

Thanks eBay:)

Best Regards,
Deep Agarwal.
Shree Krishna Gems

Message 16 of 19
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Power sellers Insulted and humiliated in Delhi


Thank You So Much Preeti Its my pleasure that i am associated with Ebay .. loved the wonderful flowers and YES !! I got a big surprise to see 2 tickets of any pvr cinema with two combo meal vouchers OOOOOOH My God .. that's a wonderful New Year Gift for me I was not able to watch GURU at pvr priya coz it was too far from my place so i gave my tickets to my DIDI who went to see the movie she enjoyed the movie very much but just had to face problems when she reached the pvr priya everything went well with her and she said .. on phone it was a wonderful movie with combo meals coupons.

Now i am so happy to know that i can watch this movie in my nearest pvr vikas puri that's hardly 5 minutes walking distance from my place ... wow what a sweet arrangement.

Thank a lot Ebay:) "Lord, I have done many things wrong. I am guilty, but to show your goodness, forgive me for everything I did. When people choose to follow the Lord, he shows them the best way to live.โ€
"Lord, I have done many things wrong. I am guilty, but to show your goodness, forgive me for everything I did. When people choose to follow the Lord, he shows them the best way to live.โ€
Message 17 of 19
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Power sellers Insulted and humiliated in Delhi


I have personally found this very interesting.

On reading the difficulties faced by eBay user: newmarket05 I was a bit symphatetic towards his plight till I happened to see his eBay listings.

The eBay user newmarket05 looks like nothing but a real clever seller who looks like he selling original software (cause he does have original software for sale) is only using it as a cover up and is also a downright seller of Pirated Game Software

Item# 160075180590, 160075586950, 160076163317, 160076464004, 160077191452, 160077542452 are all of Call of Duty 2 being sold for what Rs. 80? I had no idea that a game which has a MRP of Rs. 1299 could be actually sold at Rs. 80

And wait a second did I just not state 6 items all the same??? My, Is that not a multiple item listing violation???

Oh and by the way item number 160077542896 & 160077542929 are the same yet one is being sold at Rs. 99 and one at Rs 1199??? The same seller, same item and such a huge price difference?

Medal of Honor Allied Assault for Rs. 120, Freedom Fighter for Rs. 80?

newmarket05 who supposedly is a medical practitioner by profession, a man of high dignity, honour and self esteem selling pirated software?

I guess Delhi's Medical Industry must be in a state of depression.

What is even more pathetic is to note that such a seller has been awarded the coveted PowerSeller Status by eBay.

newmarket05 you are right. eBay should remove that title from your id.

I also request the eBay Trust & Safety team to look into this seller's listings who in the disguise of selling original software is also selling pirated software.

Item# 160075180837, 160075587948, 160076163805, 160076163805, 160077192050, 160077542888, 160076163820, 160076464630, 160076469636, 160077542896 the list goes on and on.


Rakesh Kukar Agarwal.
Message 18 of 19
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Power sellers Insulted and humiliated in Delhi

Community Member

Even I received a nice Chocolate Box ?:|! I am from Bangalore. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) ๐Ÿ˜‰
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) ๐Ÿ˜‰
Message 19 of 19
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