Power Seller Criteria - Vote it Out

Community Member
Hello Everybody,

There are changes in the Power Seller Criteria which raises the minimum average Sales required from Rs.5,000 to Rs.20,000.

Is it justified ?

ebay-India is trying to match it with ebay-USA where the criteria for Bronze Power Seller is $1000.

Taking into account that 1$ = Rs.40 .... Power Seller status should have been at Rs.40,000 worth of Sales per month. But Indians are being offered at a Sales figure of Rs.20,000. (50% discount)

But what ebay-India is not looking into is the amount of Sales an average Seller is having.

On ebay-USA there are more than 1.5 crores Live Listings as compared to ebay-India where there are just 1.25 lakhs Live Listings. There are massive Sales on ebay-USA and $1000 criteria is quite justified.

Upholding Community Values, maintaining 98% Feedback, clean ebay account and complying with all Policies .... All these have taken a back seat and Sales figure of Rs.20,000 have overnight become the Main criteria.

Apart from status PS Logo ... ebay was distributing packing material to all Power Sellers. This was the only recurring expense which ebay India was shelling out of their pocket. Now it seems that it has started pinching ebay-India and wants to reduce the Power Sellers in India.

So rather than denying the Packing material they seems to have come up with an immediate solution .... 🙂

Many New Sellers I know where just working hard to achieve this status PS logo .... would definitely be discouraged now as the target has been increased 4 folds.

I feel the increase from Rs.5000 to Rs.20000 should have been over a period of 1 year. This would have given reasonable time to serious sellers to work hard and push their sales. Un-realistic goals cannot encourage anybody to attain the targets.

This ebay step is not to encourage Seller's to achieve higher Sales but it's a specifically created Criteria to knock down the number of growing Power Sellers.

I am sure that the existing Power Sellers with much higher Sales would support this ebay move.

I am also sure that serious Sellers with lower Sales would not favour this at all.

It's just a debate to see how many are in favour and how many against it.

So guys ..... just VOTE it out.

Are you in FAVOUR ..... or ..... are you AGAINST it ? .

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 1 of 85
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Power Seller Criteria - Vote it Out

Community Member
who gives you the right to ask somebody not to post on a community forum ?
grow up and you will also find merits
in having a posting id
Message 31 of 85
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Power Seller Criteria - Vote it Out

Community Member
Hello again,
Seems like you're posting from 2 different ID's and then calling it like someone else is supporting the PS 4 times fold ??? Well my guess is either you seem to be a eBay employee since you know so much about eBay and selling with only 1 feedback which is more than a year old AND are afraid to reveal your true ID.
Oh yes my sales will be whatever I want them to ... they might be less or more than 20K. I don't think I have ever looked at those results. The only sellers here who will have no problems are the ones who charge VAT and then don't provide a genuine bill for their goods since their profit margin is huge and they will love a site like eBay to promote their stuff.

Even if I was a titanium seller I would not support this cause ..... you know why ??? Primarily because it would not affect me in any way and because I wouldn't be jealous of anyone else entering the PS status which would look good for them and help eBay in turn too acheive more sales if buyers would feel comfy buying from someone with a PS logo besides their name.

I think the only point that we have in common is taking into consideration and reviewing if sellers actually give VAT bills or just smuggled stuff. I have seen a lot of thieves and smugglers operating here and I have proof for it. None of the bills are genuine and the names of companies are just faked around. You call these people powersellers ??? Well I certainly don't!!! It's a pity you are supporting them 😞
Message 32 of 85
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Power Seller Criteria - Vote it Out

Community Member
Mr. Blogram,
Regarding your link posted on here about someone selling GMAIL invites and becoming a powerseller ....... don't you think it is eBay's job to ban such an ID if the need arises. I believe they have link where you can report such ID's that are doing this and I myself have done the same for quite a few of them who were selling to themselves for 1 rupee/ 2 rupee listings and exchanging feedback.
That does not make every seller the same kind. If you feel eBay should be increasing the criteria then it should be in terms of feedback and a little bit of sales turnover.

As for your answer for the right of me asking someone not to post is because this is a sellers posting where your ID has 0 feedbacks & MR. POSTING'S ID has 1 feedback which is a year old or more. How can you expect anyone to like that users whose ID's are not sellers be posting.

That is the primary reason why everybody would be asking you to publish your real ID so that everyone can see what you are doing and your feedbacks here would actually mean something. If you have 1000 feedbacks and are a powerseller I am sure we will all ask you how you do it ?? I don't think any of us here have any inhibitions. Hope you understand what I mean by this.

And no thanks I don't EVER want a posting ID because I like who I am and will continue voicing my opinion in my regular eBAY-India ID if the need arises, even though this be my first topic and postings ever; even if there are demoralizing souls. 😉

Message 33 of 85
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Power Seller Criteria - Vote it Out

Community Member
I am sure your views will change as you GROW up.
Also noted the other day that you posted with your name , surname and mobile number.
If i tell you now thats is not safe for you ,
you will again try making fun of me
so i leave it at this and will rather
wait till you grow up and yourself find that it is not a safe practice .
Message 34 of 85
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Power Seller Criteria - Vote it Out

Community Member
Hello folks.

Just got to know about the change in the criteria regarding the power seller status and i have to tell that i am really disappointed.There are a lot of established power sellers and they have status in the ebay community.So repeat buyers are attracted to PS sellers.

Frankly telling,i was working my a** behind the sales to attain a PS position,this is going to be the end of the third month and i have achieved sales of more than 5k Then,the change happened.It is very frustrating for me as i have worked really hard for it;attaining sales figures and above 98% feedback.

If the standards are going to be kept like ebay.com,it is going to take a very long time for the idea to materialise.In ebay.com,almost all the buyers buy through online trading portals.There are very few unpaid buyers as they are aware of the feedback related issues which tarnish their reputation on ebay.com.

A change from 5k to 20k is too sick.If the change was to a criteria like 8.5k,it was more reasonable as the new criteria would affect small time sellers selling stamps and low cost items.I kindly urge the ebay pink pals to reconsider the decision and make some changes in the criteria.I think a revolution could be started on ebay.in regarding this issue,the similar which was started for gallery listings(25p) and listing fees.

My vote for the new criteria: AGAINST

Message 35 of 85
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Power Seller Criteria - Vote it Out

Community Member
My Vote !


NM Phones
Message 36 of 85
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Power Seller Criteria - Vote it Out

Community Member
Dear Umang,

Every one is not against to this as said by posting.id.in.

Regarding sales tax registration number? Yes it should be better for powersellers if its made compulsory. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
Message 37 of 85
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Power Seller Criteria - Vote it Out

Community Member
Hello snrama ,

Posting.id.in says that because he is a Silver Power Seller he would not like to keep company with sellers doing just Rs. 5,000 of business.

This is ridiculous X-(

Tomorrow a Titanium Power Seller with Rs.50,00,000 would also say that he don't want to have a Company of Silver Power Sellers with just Rs.1,00,000 of Sales.

We are forgetting that one of the ebay's Community values says ....
We encourage you to treat others the way you want to be treated.

ebay-India doesn't seems to have been able to achieve their own targets and now trying to force smaller Sellers to achieve un-realistic targets. .

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 38 of 85
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Power Seller Criteria - Vote it Out

Community Member

Since ppl keep referring again and again to my post, I have to write again.



One day you will grow up and suddenly realise the folly of your ways.

However instead of opposing such minor changes in PS criteria, I beleive your aim should be towards achieving the Silver PS criteria and further the Gold, etc. criteria.

Let me assure you that between blogram and myself, are not the same person and we have forgotten more about ebay and online selling than perhaps you will every learn if you keep your mind so closed to new concepts and ideas. Btw, neither of us are ebaY employees and on other forums continue to be the hardest critics of certain other ebaY policies.



See some others are coming voting in favor, atleast partially, blogram, nmphones, avertek, etc.

Yes, a Titanium would surely not like to be put in the same criteria as a Silver.

Say, if I am doing 500 K of sales and I only get the privileges of a seller doing just 5 K of sales, phir kya maazaa?

Once again, I will say that a seller doing just 5 K of sales is neither dedicated or devoted to ebay. Calling him a PS is a gross misnomer. If I were to be a little more sarcastic, I would call him aayaram, gayaaram 😉

Message 39 of 85
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Power Seller Criteria - Vote it Out

Community Member
Dear Umang,

In my previous post, I said "Every one is not against to this" because, there are a lot of powersellers who are hesitating to reply to this thread. Yes, Your point is correct as a Titanium Power Seller don't want to go against this new criteria.. as it is for Bronze Power Sellers

Though my self a silver powerseller, I feel that this new criteria is incorrect, so I am against this move. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
Message 40 of 85
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