Power Seller Criteria - Vote it Out

Community Member
Hello Everybody,

There are changes in the Power Seller Criteria which raises the minimum average Sales required from Rs.5,000 to Rs.20,000.

Is it justified ?

ebay-India is trying to match it with ebay-USA where the criteria for Bronze Power Seller is $1000.

Taking into account that 1$ = Rs.40 .... Power Seller status should have been at Rs.40,000 worth of Sales per month. But Indians are being offered at a Sales figure of Rs.20,000. (50% discount)

But what ebay-India is not looking into is the amount of Sales an average Seller is having.

On ebay-USA there are more than 1.5 crores Live Listings as compared to ebay-India where there are just 1.25 lakhs Live Listings. There are massive Sales on ebay-USA and $1000 criteria is quite justified.

Upholding Community Values, maintaining 98% Feedback, clean ebay account and complying with all Policies .... All these have taken a back seat and Sales figure of Rs.20,000 have overnight become the Main criteria.

Apart from status PS Logo ... ebay was distributing packing material to all Power Sellers. This was the only recurring expense which ebay India was shelling out of their pocket. Now it seems that it has started pinching ebay-India and wants to reduce the Power Sellers in India.

So rather than denying the Packing material they seems to have come up with an immediate solution .... ๐Ÿ™‚

Many New Sellers I know where just working hard to achieve this status PS logo .... would definitely be discouraged now as the target has been increased 4 folds.

I feel the increase from Rs.5000 to Rs.20000 should have been over a period of 1 year. This would have given reasonable time to serious sellers to work hard and push their sales. Un-realistic goals cannot encourage anybody to attain the targets.

This ebay step is not to encourage Seller's to achieve higher Sales but it's a specifically created Criteria to knock down the number of growing Power Sellers.

I am sure that the existing Power Sellers with much higher Sales would support this ebay move.

I am also sure that serious Sellers with lower Sales would not favour this at all.

It's just a debate to see how many are in favour and how many against it.

So guys ..... just VOTE it out.

Are you in FAVOUR ..... or ..... are you AGAINST it ? .

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 1 of 85
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Power Seller Criteria - Vote it Out

Community Member
ebay is demoralising new sellers with this.
Message 21 of 85
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Power Seller Criteria - Vote it Out

Community Member
Hello O.P.,

Let me play the devil's advocate ๐Ÿ™‚


So now you can become a PowerSeller by selling goods worth just 700 a day. And you don't even need to get paid for those measly Rs.700/- a day transactions.

My PanWala and Chaiwala does buiness many times that amount per day.

Yes, now its a great thing to aspire for PowerSeller Status.

Do I call this a joke? Please increase the criteria to minimum Rs.1,00,000/- or Rs.50,000/- at the earliest.

More than 80% of ebay.in powersellers do not have a land line number or someone who can answer the telephone during working hours. Are they into business or just kidding around?

Yes, these guys can be called casual sellers but PowerSellers ????

Message 22 of 85
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Power Seller Criteria - Vote it Out

Community Member
Hello Posting ID In,

Thanks for your valueable input.

Atleast someone is there to support ebay on this issue otherwise the whole of the Community is against this.

But most probably ebay would go with established Sellers and the VOICE of New and hard working ones would go un-heard.

Posting ID .... it would be great if you can dislose your selling ID so that the Community knows what & where you are selling .... and can learn a tip or two from your ID.

Also .... your Chaiwala & Panwala examples are an encouragement and I recollect someone who used to give similar examples ..... maybe you are the same person.


We don't mind if the Power Seller Criteria is raised to even Rs.50,000 or Rs.1,00,000 ..... Indians are so enterprising that these target are quite achievable in a short span of time if not over night.

The only thing required is that all Power Sellers should be asked to submit their Sales Tax registration numbers.

That's because many innocents Sellers are not aware about the legalities and ebay doesn't take any responsibility if you get trapped in the tax net.

Also, with proper business ethics one cannot increase the turnover 4 folds in such a short span.
YES ... thieves and smugglers can definitely do it overnight.

So, if ebay India aren't concerned about frauds on their site then probably they would never re-think on this Criteria.

************************* .

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 23 of 85
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Power Seller Criteria - Vote it Out

Community Member
Hi Umang,
I totally agree with you on this and the sales tax registeration number collection by eBay. That would seperate the Smuggler's from the Genuine sellers !!!

Who is this POSTING ID ??? apparently he claims he is a buyer on my topic and posts on a seller topic, hides his information....... so I would ask you POSTING...... WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO HIDE PAL ??? OUT WITH IT.... And if it is so easy for your paanwala and chaiwaala to do more business than this then why don't you buy and sell your stuff through him. I think he would have a BETTER REPUTATION than all of us here.

HA HA HA Everyone imagine buying your iPod or some fancy and precious jewels from a chaiwaala !!! How does he deliver it ??? IN HALF A CUP OF TEA !!! HA HA HA ... CUTTING MOTI ..... CUTTING RUBY ANYONE ?????? LOL
:) ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚
Message 24 of 85
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Power Seller Criteria - Vote it Out

Community Member

U are very correct.To distinguish between a casual seller and a genuine seller,the sales tax registration Number shud be more than enoff.

Dear Posting Id Inโ€ฆ.:-D

I am glad to know about ur chaiwala and paanwala and the amount of business that they Generateโ€ฆ.very good indeed!!! However,I wud really like to know the 'real u' !!! If u r confident about ur views ,I guess,there is no need for u to come up with a confidential Id!!!!

I am sure if it were ur chaiwala or paanwala, they wud have never concealed their identityโ€ฆ...rather they wud have voiced their opinion with greater Confidence.Please learn from them and come out of ur shell !!!

Message 25 of 85
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Power Seller Criteria - Vote it Out

Community Member

my vote is against it.

reason 1. Indian and US economy is not equal. so you are wrong that you are giving 50% discount.

Reason 2. US members prefer online shopping while Indian members avoid online shopping.

Reason 3. If seller "X" is hard working and dedicated seller but sells less value items i.e. mobile accessories avg. cost Rs. 200
If seller "Y" is not a hard working nor dedicated but sells high cost items i.e. laptop avg. cost Rs.35000

To be a power seller X have to sell many items but for Y just 1 item.


Thank you for your time.
Message 26 of 85
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Power Seller Criteria - Vote it Out

Community Member
why i think "posting.id.in" has a good point to make
and also why genuine sellers should be happy with the move
rather than being against it
now it wont be this easy for the wrong tactics sellers to be powersellers buying gmail invites
Message 27 of 85
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Power Seller Criteria - Vote it Out

Community Member

For the uninitiated, the custom of using Posting Ids prevalent in most ebaY Discussion Boards. Even in the Seller Central Discussion Board of ebaY.com, most sellers use Posting Ids.

Why does one need a Posting Id? There are many reasons. As the boards and members will mature, you will hear horror stories about how users who opposed one posters views have used less than fair means to ruined their seller ids with reckless negatives and disputes.

You have already seen how those opposing my view are already posting virulently.



The whole community is not against it. Only newbies who know zilch about online selling are the one who are shouting the loudest or those who desperately feel the need to sell on more than one id and hence would find it difficult to manage sales of 20k on each of their ids are shouting.

Yes, I am with you for TIN registration being made compulsory for all regular sellers but that is a different discussion.



Just because someone does not agree with your point of view, there is not reason to make fun of him.

Again my reasoning goes, if you cannot make unfulfilled sales of even 20 k in a month selling of ebay, you would be better of selling cutting chai or pan. ( I like to provoke )



I have already explained some reasons why I choose to remain anonymous, there are a few others. If you take care to read some of my earlier posts on other discussions, you will note that many a times I say things which many members do not like to hear.

If you continue to be on the boards long enough you will easily guess my identity as some other board members have already done ๐Ÿ˜‰


Now just to carry this argument a little further. Say I am a PS with sales of over 100 K, I would not like to keep company with sellers doing just 5 K of business. We would hardly have any common issues. And if casuals with 5 K of total business are also given the same privileges as dedicated and devoted 100 K or 1000 K sellers, PS program would really not have any meaning.

Message 28 of 85
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Power Seller Criteria - Vote it Out

Community Member
Hmmm...... seems we have a ANONYMOUS POSTING PowerSeller of Chai & Paan here !! Oops I didn't know making complimentary jokes in contrast to your wisecracks about chai & paan would hurt you so much. Oh and by the way Mr. Posting ID you started it in both posts.

Another thing .... I think you have misunderstood.... I don't anybody gives a damn about what you think of this feedback session or whether you agree with the entire community. Thats your problem.... not ours. This post is about taking votes and getting feedbacks from other sellers.

Your current ID does not even seem to be a casual buyer's ID so I would suggest you keep out of this post(sellers post) or log in with your genuine selling ID so we can know more about you. There is no need to be afraid..... nobody will ruin your listings or your feedbacks. We have a clean conscience and hence log in with out only EBAY ID's.
Message 29 of 85
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Power Seller Criteria - Vote it Out

Community Member

I don't anybody gives a damn about what you think (sic)

I do not intend to make this personal but you will notice that at least one other poster has come out agreeing with my view on both the discussions ๐Ÿ˜‰

Once again, let me ask you this question - are your sales below 20 K per month even after selling on ebaY for more than 2 years? You really should be looking at other ego boosting options than this PS status. Maybe take up a hobby or sport ๐Ÿ˜‰

Btw, let me commend you on your DSR, they are terrific.

And let me inform you that I do not feel selling chai or pan is demeaning. I have sold lasoon (garlic) in an earlier time. And believe me if I were to sell Chai (tea bags or loose tea) or Paan (ingredients) online, I would definitely be selling more than 20 K per month.

Message 30 of 85
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