Hello Pimpom,
Obviously if the product falls shorts of description, you can file a snad.
But don't you think 2 months is too long a time to discover that a product is SNAD, assuming that
(http://cgi.ebay.in/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300110794587) is the product you are talking about.
Any snad claim should be filled ideally within 24-48 hours of receipt but not later than 7 days of receipt.
Assuming that the product was delivered in reasonable time, the warranty period of one month offerred by the seller is also over. So the best option for your is to junk the product.
Whenever you buy a used product there is always a risk, that is the trade off you get when you try to save money. If you buy a new product, you can get a warranty upto 3 years for computer products.