Am Kolkata's raymahasay again.
I am sad that inspite of two postings regarding my recent disaster, which I shared with all, in the last couple of days,i received not a single reply. May be I do not know how to be present in the Community most of my time, as before the recent disaster,which is over now, i used to operate each & everything single handedly. Be it a listing, monitoring my sales, packing & despatching my items to thy buyers.. & what not! Apart from this, I have other day to day basis chores in my life, which i cannot ignore.
Thus, may be I do not know, being only 11 months in eBay, how to post a reply, share my thoughts & cough up everything to all of you.
Suddenly, I am feeling demoralised again.I think, I'm a misfit in eBay. Thus, with whatever self respect i have left with me - should quit my passion eBay.
Kolkata's raymahasay.