What about RTO done by couriers, how are we held responsible if buyer is not present, or his door is locked, or people ordering from Northeast locations, with incomplete addresses, then people who buy on eBay considering item is something else, and then when they receive it they realise they did not want what was listed , thus want refund only, what about buyers who want change in shipping address thus we have to refund, so they can put new orders, and what is the format if any to apply for relaxation against such anomalies, are just supposed to compose a normal mail and give it to incswebhelp@ebay.com what, about the time period until which one can contest the unfair refunds penalty, The entire provision is so grey we serously are more getting interested in rediff.com and naaptol.com and such other avenues, we do all the hardwork and everthing, pay all the fees and such stupid rules, will just make it harder for any buyer or seller, to get satisfied,
Refunds was the Trump card of eBay, which attracted buyer, such policies, will increase -ve feedbacks, increase load on customer care and also community courts, and entire satisfaction of both buyers and sellers will go down a lot, we understand that some policies are made are ok and we accept it, but as days pass by such policies will erode the good buyers and sellers, and all eBay will be left with extra smart buyers and sellers, who will find ways around all your policies.
The seller community is not at all happy and believe it, they all have started finding different avenues to secure their future and livelihood, as eBay first of all doesnot give any future to any seller, its a daily nghtmare tomorrow what might happen to your id, there is no guarantee, also second thing is now, all such policies are just increasing the animosity between the buyers and sellers, instead of increasing the harmony level you are increasing the animosity,
thousand times we all have put forward the idea of sieving out bad -ve feedbacks, or forcing buyers to contact sellers, before they can launch -ve feedbacks, but all this goes to deaf ears.
Also there are lot of unfair neutral feedbacks floating around, that too falls on deaf ears, no succor for that, to top it all such harassment with new policies, where they dont even have any proper head or tail, and will bleeed the already overburdened sellers, with all types of guarantee programs, is really not that will make us smile back to you, and say eBay rocks.
You make as work like bonded slaves, that is what doesnot rock atall., the managers making such policies should be given eBay seller ids, and made to confront, all pyscho buyers and buyers who ask for a moon for 50rs worth goods, and then you will realise where have you gone wrong in policy implementation.
Lastly if at all the ebay management is hearing to the woes of the buyers, make it a policy where by if the refund penalty is paid from the sellers pocket, let the buyer be able to only redeem the penalty amount from that seller only, means if he gets a 100rs coupon from us,let him redeem it on some purchase from us only, and not go to another category or seller and redeeem the coupon there. that will be some silver lining to this policy.
Or make it 4 percent or 100rs whichsoever is lesser, policy ,that is my humble request, if you care for your sellers, but if you are happy with a bunch of swearing sellers on your face, for such dictator style policies, be it keep it, we will find greener pastures.