Open House Chat with Rajan Mehra, Country Manager - New Ventures & Payments
Community Member
We are pleased to announce the next session of our Open House Program, where users get an opportunity to chat with the eBay India Management Team.

Join Rajan Mehra, Country Manager - New Ventures & Payments, for a discussion on buying and selling on eBay India. In addition, you can also chat with him about the newly launched classifieds web site -

Rajan will be available on this thread on Friday, the 16th of December, 2005 from 4:00 PM IST to 5:00 PM IST.

You can submit your questions before or during the event by making a post on this thread. For help on using the discussion boards, please click here.

See you on the 16th at 4:00 PM!

Community Development Team

Thanks and Regards,
Buyer Engagement Team
Message 1 of 55
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Open House Chat with Rajan Mehra, Country Manager - New Ventures & Payments

Community Member
Dear Mr. Rajan

I am Achintya Ghosh from Kolkata, and associated with eBay for the last 3 and half years, mainly as a part time seller. Although selling thru eBay is my hobby yet I try to maintain the professionalism.

Issues were, are, will be, yet I personally think about those issues to be taken into account which are badly affected I donot want to mention the issues which effects only me. But issues like

1. Page Not Responding
2. Lengthy Checkout process
3. Error in FVF credit filing
4. Deactivation of tools like SM and SMpro
5. Seller suspension for a period of 30 days
etc. etc. effecting the sellers as well as buyers. There are few potential buyer and few reputed sellers are exist in Whats the reason behind this desatisfaction?

I donot want to compare baazee with eBay, yet in baazee time there was a personal touch, which helps to resolve so many issues without doing anything, just one friendly telephonic conversation and issues are resolved.
If we face any problem most of the time we get reply like a cassette player, and after some days we forgot the issue unresolved. This creates desatisfaction. There is toll free phone service, I personally tries with that service and got response "Use Contact Us like", means communicate thru eMail.

Although few are there in eBay who still helps me/us over phone, which we generally get in eBay time after long long email conversation, this most of the makes us adament.

As instance I can mention the name of persons

1. Prashant (PaisaPay) - I had so many issues regarding PaisaPay e.g. delay in receiving DD, chargeback etc. Yet now there will be no complain from me regarding PP as I will always think Prashant is there.

2. Navin - When I talked to him regarding any issue, he helps me a lot, even later I forgot about my issue, only his assurance over phone satisfied me.

3. Sapana and Sanjay - No words are sufficient for them.

Even one lady named "Justin" who left few years back, asked me to send one product at Baazee office for creating better image for better visualization.

The aboves are very silly matter but psychologycally has a good impact on members.

We are getting almost same help from them which we get thru eMail after a harassment/desatisfaction.

Indians are get convinced easily with little personal touch, which are totally absent in

I feel(may be wrong) dont have any resources(?) to give any proper explanation/remedies, because these are dealing by someone else at USA. I mean to say that the total administration is on the hand of USA peoples. Either they don't want to understand the Indian Problems or local admin fails to convinced them.

If I am wright, then please transfer some administrative job from USA to India, allot those job to eBay India people, I am sure will lead the Global eBay soon in near future.
Message 41 of 55
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Open House Chat with Rajan Mehra, Country Manager - New Ventures & Payments
Community Member
Dear sharathmodi,

I regret that you have had an unpleasant experience with fraud buyers on the site, purporting to be from Nigeria. eBay has a Trust & Safety team which comprises former officers from various branches of Law Enforcement whose role it is to ensure safety for the users of our websites. We constantly share information and best practises across various countries to keep such fraudsters off our site. That said,the unfortunately reality is that fraudsters continously try and find new ways to beat our systems. We are constantly on the lookout for such fraudsters and will work with local police authorities to bring them to book.
Best Regards
Message 42 of 55
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Open House Chat with Rajan Mehra, Country Manager - New Ventures & Payments
Community Member
Hi skyshopindia,

Thanks for joining in. I've read your post - thanks for the constructive feedback. I'm just in the midst of responding to a couple of queries and will respond to your queries in a little more detail shortly.
Best Regards
Message 43 of 55
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Open House Chat with Rajan Mehra, Country Manager - New Ventures & Payments

Community Member
I would like to suggest a new feature for ebay india website.
There can be a option which will be tell whether a buyer has been verified or not.
Buyers can verify themselves just like sellers.
Now because ebay india is growing every buyer cannot be necesarily verified. So with each buyer there is a icon whether he is verified buyer or not.
After receiving a N number of +ve ratings he becomes a verified buyer automatically.
Sellers can specify in their listing block whether they want only verified buyers or allow both kind of buyers.
This way there would be significant reduction in nigerian fraud as they generally buy only high value items and sellers selling the high value items can require the buyer to be verified.
I hope ebay india team would look into my posting and include the feature in website. 🙂

Message 44 of 55
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Open House Chat with Rajan Mehra, Country Manager - New Ventures & Payments
Community Member
Hello franklin2k5,

I apologize for the delay in your receiving the claim amount. My team informs me that we had dispatched the cheque to you for your earlier claim over a month back, so it seems that there might have been a problem in transit. We are checking with our courier company, and will get back to you once we hear from them.
Best Regards
Message 45 of 55
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Open House Chat with Rajan Mehra, Country Manager - New Ventures & Payments

Community Member
sir .... please see that genuine sellers get a special space on the site and so do genuine buyers ...! ! whats the harm if they are given some special privileges ? they have earned it by their hard work and sincerity ... regards
Message 46 of 55
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Open House Chat with Rajan Mehra, Country Manager - New Ventures & Payments
Community Member
Hello shoemall_in1,

Firstly, it is unfortunate that it took over a month for us to reflect the amount you have paid against your invoice. Let me assure all our members that this is a rare instance, most of the payments reflect on time, but I will ask my team to ensure that we reduce such delays.

As regards the question specifically related to your account, in the interest of privacy, I'll not address the query in this forum. If you've already written into Customer Service, I'll try and ensure that the team responds to you soon.
Best Regards
Message 47 of 55
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Open House Chat with Rajan Mehra, Country Manager - New Ventures & Payments
Community Member
Hello ppjewellers,

Yes, I can understand the extra effort you are required to do, with the gold prices moving the way they are. I have forwarded your suggestion to the Seller Product Marketing team to look into.
Best Regards
Message 48 of 55
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Open House Chat with Rajan Mehra, Country Manager - New Ventures & Payments
Community Member
Hello deepalatwal,

Thank you for pointing out some of the benefits of selling on eBay. You have pointed out a concern that sellers have expressed in the past. Clearly, the buying process on eBay is a bit different from what it was on Baazee, and it is possible that this could be one reason why buyers end up not paying for their purchase. The team is investigating this, and we will look at modifying the process to make it more intuitive for buyers to pay for their item.

We have discussed the option of asking buyers to input their credit card before bidding with some of our sellers. While you have pointed out the advantage of doing so, the flip side is that this can have a significant impact on the number of users who will actually bid for their item. Sellers might end up losing a significant amount of 'good' sales either because buyers do not have a credit card, or might not want to use it. So sellers themselves came back and told us that it might not be the optimal solution.

Having said that, the issue of Unpaid Items is one of the key issues that we are looking at improving and continue to solicit the feedback of helpful community members such as yourself.
Best Regards
Message 49 of 55
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Open House Chat with Rajan Mehra, Country Manager - New Ventures & Payments
Community Member
Hello vikasintl_in1,

If inadvertently, someone from the eBay India team has conveyed a misplaced sense of arrogance, I apologize.I must say that I have the pleasure of working with some of the finest young professionals that I've had the opportunity of meeting in my career. They are committed to improving the site for our community of users. We exist because of our community, and we just cannot afford to be insensitive to our user needs.

Thank you for your feedback.
Best Regards
Message 50 of 55
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