Dear inteli_india,
Selling Limits can be placed for various reasons – to name a few: restrictions due to non performance, sellers trying to list branded items which has a high potential of being counterfeit. The purpose of having limits is to verify the authenticity of the items & safeguard the interest of the community. You may write to eBay trust & safety to have your account reviewed in case you face any restrictions.
Also, feedback alone is not the deciding factor for placing restrictions on the sellers accounts. There are several factors which are considered for measuring a seller’s performance.
With regards to your query on Employees being an active seller on site, we allow our employees to sell & they are bound by this policy:
So the employees can be identified with the listings that have the above link.
Ebay offers sellers and buyers a platform to communicate effectively. Time to time communication with the buyers pre and post shipment of the item can help address all buying related concerns.