Non payer buyer - why seller not allowed to leave negative feedback?

Community Member
Item # 111017974413.

This is second time happened. Buyer not paying and eBay is not allowing me to place negative feedback. I can only post positive feedback or can provide feedback later. I feel this is partiality with sellers.

Wasting my time and money as buyer is not paying and I cannot do anything except opening and closing case for buyer.
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Re: Non payer buyer - why seller not allowed to leave negative feedback?

Community Member
eBay India Team: Take necessary action without further delay.
Message 11 of 16
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Re: Non payer buyer - why seller not allowed to leave negative feedback?

Community Member
2nd reminder eBay India Team: Take necessary action without further delay.
Message 12 of 16
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Re: Non payer buyer - why seller not allowed to leave negative feedback?

Community Member

Just file a UPI and give a UPI strike to the buyer. There is no need for a seller to leave a negative feedback. If this is allowed, then eBay will become a battlefield rather than an online market.

Secondly, if the non paying buyer has left a -ve feedback, then you can contact eBay team and get it removed. No big deal in this.

from Hell
Message 13 of 16
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Re: Non payer buyer - why seller not allowed to leave negative feedback?

Community Member
Hello Hell / eBay India Team: If buyer is not paying, we are loosing time and wasting money as we are supposed to sell goods and get money during time of opening and closing the case.
If buyer don't pay leaving -ve feedback is not a battlefield, as it is should be accepted as a problem from buyer's side.

Pls remember, when we post on eBay, there is investment of time and money from Seller's side. When buyer don't pay, we loose time and money. Unfortunately, eBay team is unable to understand this point and simply suggesting unrealistic solution.

If eBay can provide credit with interest of 18% of sales value of good for time we lost, that could help us to avoid loss due to non payer buyers.
Message 14 of 16
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Re: Non payer buyer - why seller not allowed to leave negative feedback?

Community Member
This is really annoying buyers bid on the item win it and then don't pay of it, or come up with lame excuses when contacted about the same.

Ebay doesn't let seller put negative feedback for these people and they go and do the same thing again.

I sold 8 watches thru auction and got payment for 1, rest 7 turned out to be waste of time and money.

Hope someone out there from ebay is reading this and does something about it.
Message 15 of 16
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Re: Non payer buyer - why seller not allowed to leave negative feedback?



I am new on ebay but a hardcore organised retail professional worked and stayed in 5 countries of the world during my 20 years carrier , faced more than 20 Nationality customers of all categories (Buyer , Non Buyer , future buyers , satisfied , non satisfied , angry , calm etc)


Retail is a Business of Detail wheather it is online OR offline retail and customer is a king. we must remeber that if customers are there , we are there , and ebay is there so Thinking negative about customer is a crime in Retail industry.


Retailer should have a "Working for customer" attitude.


are we not treating each and every customer as a genuine buyer who walks in our stores (in offline retail) without thinking that customer will buy or not ?


are we buying everytime from every store when we are going in malls ? no we are not buying every time from each store but we are seeing products , asking prices and negotiating also even if we dont want to buy.


are we getting reply from sales staff in a malls that sir please ask questions and ask us to show if you really want to buy ? no


same way customers are having all the rights to browse your online store and click buy now also and than not to buy.


Have any one heard that sellers are talking rudely to customers becuase customers are just walk in in his / her air conditioned stores just for browsing and seeing ?


we must remeber that we are not street sellers where talking rudely is common (now a days a buyer who is buying from street seller also not tolrating if seller is talking negatively )


moral of all story is very short - customer is a king and we as a seller does not have any right to talk negative about customer even if customer is browser or non buyer if we really want to grow our business in retail industry.


Thanks and Regards,

sidy datacom private limited , mumbai.

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