New Seller Standards

Dear members,


We will be happy to hear your queries/feedback/suggestions around this here. Please click 'reply' to post a message.



Team eBay India.

Message 1 of 108
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107 REPLIES 107

Re: New Seller Standards

There is a problem with LATE SHIPMENT / Late Delivery of Item metric.


On one side we are given enough time to ship item and item is being deliverd on time...but eBay report says "late shipment" as it can't pull the value from the tracking provided by speedpost.


If buyer is not claiming late delivery then how can ebay generate a report that says "carrier says late delivery"




Message 61 of 108
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Re: New Seller Standards

I have spoken to ebay support and they agree that it is a bug and technical issue but why they are taking so much time to fix it is not acceptable and clearly an annoyance to sellers.
Message 62 of 108
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Re: New Seller Standards

The New Seller Standards are totally against Seller performance.i have been maintaining the TOP RATED status for the last 8 months,now it showing Below Stardard after Feb 20th.After 20th Feb,99.9% of the sellers will be Below Stardard.Ebay has to act fast reguarding this issue.

Message 63 of 108
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Re: New Seller Standards

@ebay sellercare



Please don't give canned answers.


You need to fix "late shipment" which is currently being defined as "carrier says late delivery"


What kind of novice progarmmers write your script ?


The logic should be as below


If (buyer says Item received) then ' Mark item as on Time delivery

If (carrier says on time delivery) then 'Mark item as on Time delivery

If (carrier says late delivery ) then  if (buyer says on time delivery) then  'Mark item as on Time delivery

else if both (carrier and buyer say late deliery) AND carrier tracking shows "Late delivery" then "Mark as Shipment late"


Please FIX THIS before this becomes a much bigger issue with all sellers and hurts ebay reputation as non trustworthy platform.




Message 64 of 108
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Re: New Seller Standards

On furhter analysis it seems the "late shipment" isue is happenign because


1) ebay programming script is not able to pull tracking information from Speed Post tracking numbers automatically.


2) When seller selects "Others" and writes information  that is not a tracking number the system again fails to pull the information.


In both cases item should be marked as "late shipment" or "late delivery" ONLY IF buyer says "item delivered late" etc.


eBay to urgently address this issue as it is a serious problem on the platform impacting thousands of sellers.

Message 65 of 108
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Re: New Seller Standards

Same Here!


Ebay wants all it's seller to be below standard. That's why they are making chnages in their policy


I can bet no seller would be TopRated after this policy


Only sellers who sell one item in a week, may be above standard


What's wrong with eBay?????????????????????????


Is there any one who can reply?????????????????



Message 66 of 108
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Re: New Seller Standards

Community Member



Happy to hear the changes. But in my seller standards all the completed shipment are showing in "Late Shipment". I have done all the shipment ontime and most of the order is shipped with in 24hrs. 


Please do the needful correction to get proper value in "Late shipment Rate". Also I am not using power shipping, so can't understand how get this value " Carriers reported late shipment". Please do needful.




Message 67 of 108
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Re: New Seller Standards

Last week I received this negative feedback:



Haven't received the product.......bad seller... ~~~buyer ravarm-0



I checked this orders paisapay details. It turned out that 2 weeks ago, this buyer placed a CoD order from me and them immidiately sent me 3 messages to cancel the order. Then offcourse I cancelled the order.


Now why has this idiot sent me a nagtive feedback?

Kya iss buyer ko koi bhoolne ki bimari hai? Hain?

In fact this is the general case with the feedback system.



Currently, I have 11 negative feedbacks in my account:

5 = because either their pincode was in remote area or out of stock issue
1= because of slow shipping time by indiapost
1= buyer asked to cancel order and forgot. ie the above idiot
1= item damaged in courier transit
1= buyer claimed that my product not original (says he talked to EXPERTS)

2= both buyera were not happy with product



Of the above 11 -ve feedbacks, only the last 2 were fair and sincere. The rest are nonsense. Calling customer care to remove them has been a nightmare. In fact, I have stopped calling them.



I have processessed around 1400 orders and I can count around 3-4 buyers who were were not happy with me. I have talked to them lenghtly on phone and I remember them all. Yet my current standard is 91.7%. In simple words, the "performance standard" is never under my control.

Message 68 of 108
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Re: New Seller Standards

Dear Sellers,


In reference to our earlier announcement of New Seller Evaluation Standards, we want to share the following information with you.

We wrote in the earlier post:


“Moreover, even after 20th February 2016, we will try to offer support to those sellers who have seen any negative impact on their seller rating for an extended time period.”


We wish to inform you that we will protect all negatively impacted sellers on account of the New Seller Evaluation Standard till May 20, 2016. In other words, you will NOT have any negative impact on your seller standards as per the new evaluation criteria till 20th May 2016.


  • While your account performance dashboard might show your account standard as per the new evaluation standards, we will still consider your account standards as per your account status as of 20th January 2016.
  • To illustrate, if your seller standard on January 20th was “Top Rated” and your “If we evaluated you today” status is shown as “Below Standard, we will still override it to “Top Rated” till 20th May 2016.
  • The above is only in case your account is negatively impacted.
  • However, as on 20th February 2016, if your account status is moving up (positively impacted) as per the new evaluation standards, your new account status will be considered.

We hope that this will help your account with a smooth transition into the new seller evaluation standards.


Also, we will soon start conducting webinars and other education initiatives to help you understand new evaluation standards and answer any queries you may have.  We will announce the schedule for the same soon. Please keep posting your queries/feedback/comments. We are happy to hear from you.


You can read this announcement here.


Team eBay India.

Message 69 of 108
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Re: New Seller Standards

This means, you are not ready to solve the shipping issue and just want to postpone the date.

It looks like you are not able to understand the Issue, even after so many sellers explanation.


Instead of all these complications just remove Top Rated Seller rating from all sellers.

Also make payment remittance once in 1-2 months to all sellers, instead of different grades.

It looks like "New Seller Standards" goal is to achive bove 2 points.

Message 70 of 108
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