Hello Ebay Team,
First of all my regards to the Ebay India team for running the site. This is a great site I however have some suggestion which I think would improve the site
1) After a product is bought and the payment is made, The user does not get feedback(Maybe the seller is overloaded) could ebay have a utility that make the seller has to put in the courier name and the tracking number this would avoid confusion and the seller and buyer would be at ease
2) Some seller don't even give feedback especially after the product is purchased, this give a sort of insecure feeling to the buyer can ebay do anything about that ?
3) Sorry to say this but the paypaisa system currently sucks, there is not fixed duration of the payment validation, It just said that it would happen(Ofcourse everyone knows it will happen but when ?)
Mainly my issue are all related to after the product has been bought the buyer is kept in the dark, Ebay is a big organization and should solve this issue, If these issue are still they it could have a negative impact on the site and people would start turning away from the site
Hope my suggestion are helpful.
Rajiv Gonsalves