Introducing 'The eBay SuperHero Challenge' for our Seller Community
eBay Employee
eBay Employee
Hi, this is Sapana Gupta from Community Development team. I am here today to share about an interesting program that we are launching for our Seller Community.

Our Seller Community has always displayed exemplary behaviour when it comes to helping fellow sellers. Be it helping in setting up the eBay business of a new seller, clarifying doubts of established sellers, or just supporting each other in the hour of need, our community members have always been generous in guiding and helping their fellow eBayers. Over the time, the helpful sellers become respected members of the Community and Heroes for the sellers they have helped.

To honour all our Heroes and to say a BIG Thank You to the SuperHero, eBay brings you ‘The SuperHero’ Challenge!

What is ‘The SuperHero’ Challenge all about?
This challenge aims at inspiring the SuperHeroes of the eBay Seller Community to guide a team of sellers to new heights in their business, stepping in to help with trading tips and tricks, market advice and all their other superpowers. The most successful Hero will thus be crowed ‘The eBay SuperHero’

How will the Challenge work?
Step 1: eBay invites high performance established sellers (a.k.a. Heroes) to take the challenge of becoming a SuperHero
Step 2: eBay invites high potential new sellers to become the team member of the SuperHeroes and get super-exclusive insider info on how to grow your sales and expand your business
Step 3: The SuperHero uses his business acumen, to ensure that his team does maximum successful transactions on eBay and generates maximum positive feedback in 3 months time.
Step 4: All the successful Heroes their top performing Team Members and ‘The SuperHero’ get fabulous prizes!

How to participate in the challenge?
All the chosen SuperHeroes and their team members will receive invitation to join ‘The SuperHero challenge'. If you are the chosen one, you can also join the ‘The SuperHero challenge’ by clicking here. The challenge will be open from 1st November 07 to 31st January 08.

To know more about the program, Click here or read the FAQ section. If you have any question, clarification or request, please feel free to write to us at or post on this thread.

Sapana Gupta
Community Development Team
Message 1 of 42
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Introducing 'The eBay SuperHero Challenge' for our Seller Community

Community Member
Ha Ha .... Sapana .... that's a great Joke.

ebay authozises a TRADING ASSISTANT (TA's) with a Feedback Score of 50 and atleast 90% FB ..... to train Business Houses and Individuals.

I hope you are aware of this.

There is NO criteria of any Conversion Rate for becoming a Trading Assistant.

This means uptil now ebay was fooling people with serious business interests to take the assistance of TA's.

TA's are paid for their professional job .... and here SuperHeros would be assisting their Co-Sellers / Brothers, Free of Cost.

How can the Criteria for helping Co-sellers be tougher than the professional criteria of TA.

A Doctor must be MBBS (MD) if he is treating a FRIENDS .... but a Compounder can treat anybody from general public ......... :-) .

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 11 of 42
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Introducing 'The eBay SuperHero Challenge' for our Seller Community

Community Member
Wow.. The eBay SuperHero Challenge excellent Promotion with out eligibility for Heros!

I am not eligible because of only one reason: Not met the Conversion Rate! X-(

There are very good (successful) sellers, community winners and a lot of new sellers.

This competition doesn't deserve with 10 or 20 teams. It should be at least more than 100 teams.

It should be fun, encouraging, learning, sharing other's experience, over coming faults than getting prizes and rewards.

I haven't yet received the I Know Ebay contest prizes.. but I don't care for it much as I enjoyed being part of the contest. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
Message 12 of 42
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Introducing 'The eBay SuperHero Challenge' for our Seller Community

Community Member
wow ...
i really feel good to be eligible.
it was a surprise for me !
But also think some of the best experienced ebayers
not being eligible seems to be unfair .
i think ebay should consider giving some of the community champions a wild card entry,
Would be beneficial to new users .
Also grand prize should be increased ...
a laptop should accompany with scanner , digital camera and 50000.00 worth of promotion listing credit :).. heh heh .
Further major chunk of payments these days comes from paypal ,
those payments should also add up in sales
Message 13 of 42
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Introducing 'The eBay SuperHero Challenge' for our Seller Community

Community Member
Almost 72 hours since this announcement is made and all one can see is just the usual community friends snrama, runa..,Indconcepts, jaipur_fashion amongst few other curious co-sellers like me here talking about the contest. Most of us are bit dissappointed for not qualifying, and as my luck would have it, I cant even be a team member .

Just Runa_Laila seems to have qualified as a hero amongst the posters on this thread . Rest of the 'heroes' out there are probably not even noticing. That is a something which is dampening my spirits as an onlooker. I am skeptical as how transparent this duel will be and how many scribs I will see from the teams on the threads.

I am not sure, will there be anything at all for us to watch and learn except to see some scoreboard ?

I am in agreement with RUNA.., some heroes are already here like snrama, indconcepts and so many others . These guys have been playing this game subtlely for quite some time helping new sellers like me selflessly, without any prizes to win. Always are keen to guide and dole out tips to succeed whenever somebody asked for it .

And ironically, this helpful bunch is really just a handful. But when it comes to eBay, all that matters is numbers ! How professional !

Now the opportunity to help others and win some sparkling prize and a dinner with Mr.I-dont-know-who, is being offered to people who presumably are highly successful but surely not a team player ! So much for our invisible heroes. Bring them on ! Let me see what makes them what they are today .

I was thinking to expect some innovative ideas, clever use of tools, great presentation tips ,picture quality ideas, shipping gameplan, strategy for luring customers to PaisaPay et al. Seemingly all that will be simply overlooked , what I will see is probably some more numbers !!
Message 14 of 42
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Introducing 'The eBay SuperHero Challenge' for our Seller Community

Congrats runalaila_in1 ..we wish you all the luck 🙂


Message 15 of 42
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Introducing 'The eBay SuperHero Challenge' for our Seller Community

Congrats runalaila_in1. It seems that only one seller is elligible in this contest yet.

I have already enrolled for the contest on 17th itself but have not yet received the elligibility confirmation. May be I have disqualified due to Conversion Rate because my sales are too low since a month OR the other reason may be that I do not belong from a Metro or Big city, eBay always discourages seller from a small city like Ranchi.

However, let the contest begin with great enthusiasm among the eBay Community Members.


Message 16 of 42
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Introducing 'The eBay SuperHero Challenge' for our Seller Community

Community Member

Hearty Congratulations to Runa_laila....I must say...sum very good suggestions have come up from ur side about the contest.Hope ebay pinks notice it.!!!!

Well i dont qualify due to the conversion rate criteria...

Hope to see many ppl signing in to let us know how it all progresses....right now it seems only Runa has qualiied for participating.Wish u all the Best.

Message 17 of 42
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Introducing 'The eBay SuperHero Challenge' for our Seller Community

Hi once again,

I have noticed that there are thousands of sellers on eBay and many of them have 200+ feedbacks but they are not elligible in this contest due to Conversion Rate. But those having a high Conversion Rate do not have time to visit Community Boards or to post suggestions to other new sellers. They are too busy on their online and offline sales. Then how they can support this contest to be a success?

How many Community Members post their views here? Not even more than 20. Since two years I have seen very few sellers (less than 15) visiting this board helping other members.

eBay should revise the qualification criteria keeping in mind the above stated matters.


Message 18 of 42
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Introducing 'The eBay SuperHero Challenge' for our Seller Community

Hi !

We are not eligible because of only one reason: Not met the Conversion Rate!
With Regards,
Mahavir Computers Pvt Ltd


With Regards,
Mahavir Computers Pvt Ltd

Message 19 of 42
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Introducing 'The eBay SuperHero Challenge' for our Seller Community

Community Member

Most of the members who would be selected would have larger interest selling Internationally that's because the CR is much higher there.

The conversion rates of most of the Indian Sellers have dropped during the Listing FREE era.

The CR should have been taken into account since the Listing Fee came into force and not since the time of registration.

Also .... it would be interesting to see how active the selected ones have been ..... on Community Boards. .

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 20 of 42
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