Shipping Internationally
International shipping requires just a little more effort than sending a package domestically. Here are some of the points to consider when shipping internationally:
Shipping Costs
Shipping costs are typically higher for international destinations and can vary greatly based on a number of factors. International buyers tend to understand this point but you should always specify the higher rate for international clearly in your item description. If your item is small or lightweight, consider stating a set international shipping cost. Some International Courier companies have built Shipping calculators on their website which can be referred to.
International shipping costs are based on a combination of the following:
-Weight and dimensions of package
-Method of shipment such as post, express courier, normal courier
-The location you're shipping from (city, state, country)
-The location you're shipping to (also called the destination country)
Therefore, costs may vary greatly depending on what, where and how you are shipping. Costs can be considerably higher for international destinations.
Generally, buyers pay additional costs that may apply such as duties, taxes and customs clearance fees. For example, international rates may or may not include pickup and door-to-door delivery with customs clearance. Your package will arrive at your buyer's door, but he/she might need to pay extra international fees