the seller responded, but then thats not your work. eBay has no eligiblity whatsoever to claim the credit or speak as though the refund is a work of eBay. I was fortunate enough to have my seller respond favourably. If he had not, you would have done nothing at all, as you already proved by washing your hands off it, telling us your 30 days rule. Right now, I am not concerned about my experience with the camera, as it got resolved, by gods grace. My concern is
I agree that 30 days is good enough to check the functionality of a product. But often, 30 days is hardly enough to settle a dispute. Especially in valuable products like digital camera, where often times quality checks need to be determined, which may take time. Besides, if a replacement is ordered, it definitely takes double the time as for a single product. So I guess one cant 'believe' 30 days is enough. Such assumptions could prove costly for eBay in the form of negative feedback and publicity, as well as for the innocent customers, in the form of complete exposure to misuse by parties involved in the sales, and loss of large sums of money.