We would like to congratulate the new Ebay.in teams in putting forward such a wonderful site. The site is very well designed and full of features. But there are some grey areas which need immediate attention.
The Home page is right now depicting Brand new Items and showing link to just 4 items. this is injustice to rest of the categories. The items in this location should be in rotation so that other categories are also highlighted.
The right hand column also has static links to some sub categories which needs to be reviewed and planned so that the promos on the home page are beneficial to all categories.
The hottest selling property of Baazee 1 Paisa promotion should have been prominently displayed on the home page of ebay.in but is missing. the traffic on 1 paisa auction is not as good as it used to be. The price in auctions is also not being realised because of the ill planned promos on the home page.
The courier charges for local and national are being wrongly interpreted by user because both specify within India, Where as Local should specify within city and national within India.
The above mentioned problems are minor and could be teething problems for a site, which can be resolved at the earliest to benefit sellers.
Best Regards and Goodluck to the Ebay team.