
Community Member
I am a new member to eBay.I won the item Ultra Slim 256 MB Mp4/Mp3/V.Rec/FM from the seller edreammedia and my order number is 9720458336.

My PaisaPay ID is 16852951930. The payment was made on 7 May 2006 but the payment has not been authorised even now and it says payment pending. Please guide me on what to do next as I am new to eBay. How much more days will it take to authorise the payment and send me the item? Also am I supposed to do or send something or will the payment be authorised without any problems as I expect from a INTERNATIONAL company like eBay.

I used to buy things online from before and it was very fast and Iwould have received the item by now. But I though eBay is better and I get such a response!

Please guide me on what to do next and how much more time it will take to authorise my pending payment!

Also the seller edreammedia is no longer registered with eBay. The seller became unregistered only a good 3-4 days after I ordered the item. Does this mean that after the payment has been authorised, the seller won't me the item?
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Community Member
eBay PaisaPay generally take no time OLBT and 24 hrs to 48 hrs for clearing Credit Card Payment of more than Rs. 1000/-. Sometimes it took 5 days also when buyer is not conatactable. You please check your mailobox for any mail from PaisaPay dept. If money already charged on your Credit Card conatact eBay PaisaPay. Check the following link for details:

Message 2 of 8
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They might try to reach you over the phone, to verify the details.

They delay is just to ensure safety of the CC transaction. Its in our interest.


Message 3 of 8
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thanks for your prompt replies.

any idea how much more time PaisaPay will take to contact me and how (through mail, phone, etc)?

Also you didnt answer my one question. edreammedia (seller) is no longer registered with eBay. Does this mean that if the payment gets authorised, the seller wont send me the item?
Message 4 of 8
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Community Member
Dear ravinaga ,


The best is to contact the Seller via email or phone to known the facts.

Your Seller might be temperarily suspended.

If your payment has been cleared by now and since your Seller is suspended..... you may not receive the Item (unless Seller is reinstated).

So.... just file the INR dispute after the 10th day (Item not received dispute)

Follow all the steps of Buyer Protection within the stipulated time frame.

If you miss out any step on time will loose your money.


Umang Midha .

IndConcepts logo7


best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 5 of 8
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hi ...

keep your fingers crossed that you recieve he item 🙂
The only feasible solution

Message 6 of 8
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As Umang guided, file for Item Not Received after completion of 10 days if the seller doesn't respond.

Also I want to let you know that some of the sellers take 7-15 days for the delivery.

Hope your transaction will be smoother. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
Message 7 of 8
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Community Member

If your seller has been suspended before the payment has been approved, it is more than likely the payment will not be approved. So don't worry, be happy.

If at all your credit card is charged, than simply file a charge back.

Please, please check the sellers ratings before placing order, a rating of above 98% is minimum before placing high value orders and preferably call the seller before making the payment, this way you are assured about the genuinity of the seller.

Message 8 of 8
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