This is sad to share that ...I purchased note III through E-bay...on 11-oct-2013.
The piece has turned out to be a bad one after 2 days.I coordinated with the seller(Dinesh-who is a nice person)however,his business approach to provide personal support turned out be a trick to envisage benefits...
I have not received a single acknowledgement email during past 48 hours.Although,he repeatedly mentioned to send documented evidence through email..sadly after 01 nov 2013 there has been no email revert confirming on the same--although I spoke to him on 02-Nov-2013,where he requested to deduct delivery charge of returning note III to be born by me..
I have checked the Note III box packing it shows a detail of note with II with 16 Gb ,plus S-pen with spelling mistakes.Also it shows processor speed as 1.6 Ghz which is fake a disclosure.The box says Note III GT-N9000 on front(IMEI tag)..however on sides it says GT-N9008 which is highly discrepant.
This is the first time I am witnessing such nuances.....I want my money Rs-41990+(1480 EMI interest paid) to be paid in full.
i paid the bill in good ..what I am getting is **bleep**..becoz the Note III received is not working at all leading to business losses to me I don't have any other smart Phone to carry out my business needs....