Fraud not yet solved : ebay unresponsive

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118 replies Date posted Reply #
f2966 (0 ) View Listings 08-05-06 11:08 IST 118 of 118
Its been a year since i was defrauded here at ebay ( formerly baazee) by a fraudster seller registered by ebay.

From then onwards i was assured of full support in nailing the culprit and getting money back.

Also was later promised to get back full money from ebay afetr lots of protest and efforts.

Now the customer care tells me each time ,
please be patient you will get the money.
Once approval comes you will be sent a cheque.

But I have already submitted them the FIR copy etc.
Now its 8 months since they are "working" on it.

I have called them numerous times, emailed them every week to ask status, but except a sweet assurance i get nothing.

Then moreover, The customer care rep. goes on to tell me that , I should not be pressurising ebay, since its a favour they are doing and so wait till they are ready to give.

Its like waiting for ever.
Is this the treatement an ebayer deserve ??

From that day onwards, i avoid transacting on ebay.

Its a very risky method, and then harrasment moreover.

I urge ebay customer relations team to take note of this and get my case solved at the earliest.

When i ask , all documents are enough or do you need detailed FIR, present FIR submitted is in kannada ( bangalore police), then they say no need, legal team is working etc etc.

Each time she says it will take 1 week, once i get approval i will update you from last 6 months.
Then she says they cannot tell me time limit, and i should not be asking this since its a favour to me.



f2966 (0 ) View Listings 21-10-05 16:01 IST 116 of 118
Ebay People,

I was a victim of fraud done over your website on 14th may 2005.
It was Rs 39,700 worth of fraudulent laptop selling.
Product was not received and seller was untraceable.
I have reported the same on this forum and to your so-called customer care dept.

I filed FIRs with local police and cyber cell.

Finally, so as to get something back atleast i filed claim under your buyer protection plan for Rs 10,000.

You are advertising a lot about this protection, highlighting links on ur website but do u really settle the claims.

There is nothign shown in my dispute console.

I Faxed all documents to the ur office for the claim.

No response coming from your end.

Its been 5 months now.

It does not seem that you intend to settle the claim and have cleverly erased its trace from my login.

No communication from your side whther u r going to give money or not , by what time etc. nothng has come.

what should i understand from this.

I seek the opinion and support of fellow members to take ebay to task and urgently get my money back.

Please look into this and give the claim money at the earliest,
otherwise i will be forced to file a lawsuit against this.

There are 2 more guys with me defrauded in this same case and we all are waiting to hear from ebay.

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Fraud not yet solved : ebay unresponsive

Community Member
I am afraid to comment that Ebay India is not at all a dependable and reliable medium to purchase items. Most of the sellers are frauds and Ebay absolutely had no mechanism, effective enough, to control them.

I am lucky to comment that I guessed it beforehand and now my experiment with an around Rs.100/- purchase, a year or so back, has proved it. I have been cheated and disgusted!!

The loss for me is manageable but the experience is invaluable.

I am planning to quit this cheater's paradise now.
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Fraud not yet solved : ebay unresponsive

Community Member

Its shocking to see one loosing such hugely thru online bidding. Ebay and the Indian Police must equipt themselves to stop such frauds and the earliest else we are heading for a disaster. .
Best Regards ๐Ÿ˜„

Best Regards ๐Ÿ˜„

Message 3 of 4
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Fraud not yet solved : ebay unresponsive

Community Member
Hi Munish,

Its really shocking. I don't know why eBay has made such a long delay for making a refund. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) ๐Ÿ˜‰
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) ๐Ÿ˜‰
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