I am a regular seller on e-bay selling Novelty watches, During last six months I have sold more than 1,200 items but still my feedback score is only 185, it's strange that 80% of the buyer does not leave the feedback at all.
Also I have been awarded 10 negative feedback. no buyer did contacted me before doing so, and as soon as I tried to contact them the voice heard "THIS PHONE IS NOT REACHABLE AT THE MOMENT, PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER" or similar sentences.
well this was not the end my feedback counted on ebay on the basis of -ve and soon my account was restricted, stating "bad buyer experience", now this was a new term for me.
I sent massages many times but got no reply, not from the buyer not even from the ebay customer-care. My payment is still on hold even after 90 days,
Now you people decide who is bad?
1) Bad buyer experience (seller)
2) Unresponsive Buyer
3) Loopholes in e-bay policies