I ordered three items to purchase via ebay.in The items are namely 1)Brand new latest flip top carry case for Nokia E71 with item no:260291550747 2)Brand new latest crystal cover case for Nokia E71 with item no:260290274726 3)New high quality screen protector for Nokia E71 with item no:260292453320. I sent the amount thro' Demand Draft to the trader Mr.Sohel Bhimani,Bldg-3,1st floor,room no:39,Karimabad CHS,Imamwada road,Bhindi Bazar,Mumbai-9 via courier service on 29/09/2008.The amount of DD was Rs.715.00,which is inclusive of charges for senting the items thro courier service.The trader received the amount and posted in the ebay.in web site as received.But till date he has not sent the items to me.I approached him thro his email,but he not responded.I complained the same to ebay.in complaining cell,but not a proper reply I received.I think ebay.in is cheating the public.Now I am unable to complain with the above item nos,it says enter a valid item no. I need help to solve this problem
The Trader was named as Unique_Trader45