@Seema Khanna...
First let me thank you for taking time to reply on the forum, that's become very rare nowadays.
I quote here what you have said [quote]
"Please be assured that at eBay customer care we would want to assist buyers in every possible way however also protect the sellers interest. Resolving issues amicably is encouraged at eBay as it’s an open Marketplace."[unquote]. In this regard I would like to ask you that if you really stand by what you say then we sellers have requested ebay 100's of time to have a contactable phone number of the claim adjusters who call us then why is that not being done. All the mails received from claim adjusters does not have a "REPLY" button, can I ask you that is this being done in sellers interest too ????. I sincerely request you to immediately have a contactable phone number and also see that all claim mails have the claim adjusters name and a reply button.
Again I quote you here [quote]"
1.Checks with the buyer whether he has 1st contacted the seller since most issues are generally resolved using this methodology"[unquote]. How or on what basis does the CC agent ensure that the buyer has indeed contacted the seller before calling CC, in 90% of the cases buyers are impatient to get their issues resolved and they DO NOT CONTACT THE SELLER AT ALL BY ANY MEANS WHATSOEVER. They believe that CC will solve all their issuers on the call. Once again I request you to have a mechanism in place where it is made 100% MANDATORY FOR THE BUYER TO SEND AN EMAIL VIA EBAY TO THE SELLER to get his problem solved.