Respected, I am bought an item on 08/01/2014 in ebay , the paisapay id is 35417760251, after the seller call to my cell and he ask & offer , extra mobile accessories (original flipcocer, 3 screenguard, power bank, Bluetooth headset) for Rs.2200/-, i told to seller please list this items on eBay that time ready to buy, he told dontworry already one item ready to ship your address that time i will send with this extra accessories, please deposit the amount, after he threatened your phone dispatched only after the deposit the amount,


on 09/01/2014 i deposit the amount to his account, bank statement attached with this mail,then after he is given a fake consignment number speed post: EN249718720, same day afternoon i am trying to track that number that is not available on speepost database, on evening one message from seller sorry brother the product cannot be dispatched, how i refund ur amount? please provide your bank details sorry for the harassment i send my bank details to seller, but not pickup the phone , please help me please block this seller and take an immediate action,please find out the attachment 

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