hello everyone
i think we all are forgetting two major things
1 eBay is the platform where you and i sell to earn and we all are here and doing our business and earning less or more ,if by our own government policies their are some problems then why to make it a issue ,we should stand together and fight back the problem ,has anyone tried writing to RBI ,also why to blame anybody as nobody on earth is 100% effective so all the eBay team and PayPal people will surely working proactively cause if this situation lengthens then they will be the first to loose
so i request all eBayers to stand with eBay and team and fight with the issue not the team
second is that there is a twist in the issue ,its like RBI has banned personal payments not any or all payments ,there is one Mr Anuj in PayPal ,i was reading his blog and he says that not all payments were blocked but personal payments were blocked ,so i think change the business name in your PayPal account to a registered firm and transfer money to a current account of that firm ,its my opinion not at all tested that's why i am trying to get it confirm with the bank employs ,and may be in a day or two i can talk to some RBI official
i request you all to keep your cool and think positively