I sold a product through ebay. When the buyer received it after 10 days of that he filed a claim that product is damaged.
eBay didn't even asked for any proof(images) to the buyer and assumed that it was damaged.But I asked the buyer for the images.
So I agreed them that I will provide a replacement. They shipped back my product. But when I received back my product it was totally different and was fully damaged in comparison to the images that I asked the buyer.
I told all this to eBay. Then eBay asked me for the images to send it on insellerverification@ebay.com .
I sent the photos but they said that they didn't received it.Then I again sent the photos but they kept on saying the same thing. I have sent them photos more than 10 times . Then for 2 days they didn't contacted me and closed the claim in favour of the buyer. How can eBay do that .
I contacted them and now they said that the photo size should not exceed 2Mb. They said that you immediately send us the photos and we will see if something can happen.
I reduced the image size to 1mb and less but then also they are saying that they are not receiving the photos.
Due to their technical problems I am suffering.
Now they said that our technical team will contact you in 24 hrs and will tell you a resolution.
Now I am closing my account on eBay as I found it of no use. No protection is provided to sellers on eBay.
Claim no. 221988