eBay.in is now the worst place to buy stuff online. Any sick minded person can create a seller account and sell all the crap they have at their residence - literally anything! Be it used or cheap stuff. All that you can buy next to your home is 2X or 3X as expensive. When buyers write to sellers there is no response. When you call the seller be ready to be assaulted. Then contact ebay to learn they are more irresponsible to respond to your queries. End of the deal the buyer has lost it all - time, money, patience, faith, product, self respect, peace of mind!
However, not all sellers dupe buyers. But there are large number of seller involved in day light online duping, backed by eBay.
The buyers usually don't feedback to sellers, so I guess 'someone' takes this as an advantage to make up seller feedback to ~ 100%. I have had terrible experiences with few sellers and don't understand how they can have such high scores. Clearly yet another corruption / scam out here.
eBay.in is so different from eBay.com! All this feedback will never be fruitful unless eBay.in makes a serious attempt. But will they?