@ vkrm2000
You have had a problem and we all are here to help you. But a couple of things which we all should know as a community member.
1- Say no to Spam- Posting your problem - directly or indirectly on almost all the threads you can, will not necessary get positive attention either from eBay or from fellow community members. It will cause a lot more trouble to other fellow community members in need of advice or help as much as you do.
2- eBay is community trading Portal- So there is no such system as " Software for removing negatives of sellers ".
On eBay we all are buyers and we all are sellers. But like every other market place in this world there are some sellers who may cheat, also there are buyers who may cheat. Only thing which may keep us alert about these type of eBayers is how positive is our communication with other fellow eBayers.
See, there is no system which is foolproof. Even Legends or masterminds can be fooled. And people are there everywhere who are constantly looking out to cheat innocent and careless people.
But on eBay there is a sound system to prevent people from being cheated, no doubt there may be some exceptions where dishonest people may find their way around, but there is no such thing as eBay helping these people.
Let us use this forum to share our problems, experiences and Joys of trading on eBay. Let us not condemn the system as a whole. If there is a problem in it, let us be part of the solution and help eBay fix that.