Ebay is usually a good way to buy and sell items. As long as as you are dealing with honest, hard-working people, it's a wonderful place. Once you get into trouble, though, there is really no place for a buyer in this world.
Examples of this are numerous. I myself have several experiences, but I don't want to turn this into a grouse column. But there are a few lessons to be learnt, a few improvements Ebay can make starting today:
1. Change Suspension Mechanism: When Ebay suspends sellers, buyers are left with no way to contact them, no way to track the items they have purchased from them. This is possibly the worst experience for a buyer, especially if the payment amount is over a few hundred rupees.
2. Allow Posting of Disputes: Ebay needs to trust its buyers more. All of us are not nervous wrecks. We need to use the dispute console for a reason. But the number of validations that happen when you try to post a dispute almost never let you post one! I beg you to please remove these validations (item code, number of days passed, etc). While it is nice to enforce a certain discipline, this system simply does not work for disputes with sellers who managed to unregister themselves recently.
3. Verify Seller Information: This is a difficult one, but crucial. Almost half my purchases have been with sellers where their contact information is simply wrong. Thus, when one tries to contact them, you simply cannot get through. This gives them a significantly larger opportunity to 'run away' with our moneys.
While I continue to transact on Ebay with a good-faith attitute (hoping that at least 8 out of 10 people will be honest), I have lost about Rs 6000 in transactions that I have simply written-off, because Ebay does not help its buyers even with genuine complaints.
An advice to all buyers: Even if you follow the proper dispute resolution process, you can almost never hope to get your money back, so either approach the police and report a fraud, or forget that you ever paid anything. It's cheaper to do that than to try and get Ebay to do anything for you. By the way, if you EVER get any response from Ebay other than "Please resolve your dispute with your seller," please please please let me know. We'll all get together and declare that day a national holiday!