People, U can be sure about one thing - Baazeee was and NEVER is the scam, EBAY is. These firangees are going to throw us light years behind....
Check this out from legitimate sources about the current ebay auction fee hikes all over the world:
ebaY US is once again raising its fees to sellers, with many increases in the 50 to 100% range. This fee increase is not surprising since ebaY wants their stockholders and
potential stockholders to continue to buy ebaY stock, and fee increases look good to stockholders. ebaY wants the public to keep buying stock, so that the ebaY insiders can continue to cash out their stock holdings. In 2004 ebaY insiders cashed out $7,846,507,701.00 in stock (yes folks that is 7.85 Billion in the pockets of ebaY insiders). This is nothing unusual, as ebaY insiders have been cashing out their stock as fast as they can, since they were first allowed to do so.
As usual, the ebaY boards and chat boards across the online auction and trading industry (OAI/OTI) are filled with outraged sellers screaming about the price increases. Once again we will repeat what we at TAG have been saying for the past 6 years. What sellers can't be made to realize, is that the power to change the industry rests with themselves, as ebaY will charge the sellers whatever the sellers ALLOW ebaY to charge them. All it takes is for sellers to move a sufficient number of listings to other OAI/OTI sites, and break the ebaY monopoly. The buyers will follow the sellers. If sites other than ebaY have what the buyers want, that is where the buyers will go.
Petitions, one day "strikes", boycotts etc are all useless and foolish. They have no impact on ebaY and do nothing to expand the industry. So far they have all failed, and done nothing but reinforce ebaY's arrogance. ebaY will sit back and let the sellers moan and groan about the increase, maybe even make some small concessions, and then go about their business, confident that the sellers will NOT act to change the industry. ebaY will continue to raise fees as long as the sellers knuckle under and pay the fees. What will change the industry, is sellers selling on what we at TAG call VOTE sites (venues other than ebaY).
Sellers and buyers on Baazee, do you know how serious this is going to be? To u andme, the common people who want to buy things on the internet. Te poor bazee staff dont even know this, we're sure.
well, we are a group of serious buyers and we defy ebay to removethis posting.
Online Buyers Forum