Dear sheelafaria,
Please do not write anything on this board which express your hatred against any community,and abour Swarup Ji,He is a genuine person and I really feel bad that the person who give suggestions or try to help is been targeted by some people.If he spends time on internet and give long suggestion and advice,Why you are having problems??If you wish,You can also participate in the community boards and try to help others,Its Totaly unfair that instead of supporting such nice persons you are blaming him ...!!
Dear Small Voice of Community),
If anyone is violeting any Policy of eBya then,I bealive that Trust and Safety teams are there to look after them,Why you are taking so much pains???
Many Gmails invites are still been sold...So why you now dont report the same to T & S team,It will be help to eBay Community as since its the violetion of eBay Policy,You had kept you feedback privite..???
May I know why ??
may be its personal but when you interfere others business I wonder why others cant interfere in yours.
One more thing if a user should read the User Agreement and Should know about all the policy..
Then why a Buyer purchase the Gamil invites???
The buyer should not purchase anything which is not legal in eBay,But buyers wants and no one force to purchase him,
The buyer should have reported that its against the policy but buyers had accepted the invitation...and bought the same by paying money...
Its means buyers also wanted to transact for a product or service which is against eBay policy.
One more thing,I always like community Boards for helping each others and to stay update with the hapnnening in eBay But I think all dont feel the same..
Thanks and Regards,
Deep Agarwal.