Community Member

This Article was forwarded to me by an ebay member.
It's an eye opener and shows how easy it is to fool the ebay system.
ebay will have to take appropriate steps to ensure that there is no room for such Frauds.

This is in today's news paper Indian Express the link is

on the left hand side there will be a coloumn called city
Click on Chennai
This article will be there

I am pasting a copy of that article.....

Plus two drop out pulls wool over online pundits
Saturday April 1 2006 10:13 IST

CHENNAI: The story of Mohan Raj, a plus-two dropout, from Tirupur could be straight out of a Hollywood thriller. The officials of the Cyber Crime Cell of Central Crime Branch of city police, who arrested the youth on Thursday, are now dumbstruck over the ingenuity ease with which this 25-year-old had swindled lakhs of rupees from eBay, an online trading website, over the last two years.

The evidence he left behind each time he made an online transaction using stolen credit card information, which generated bills for the genuine owners of the cards, got the police on his trail.

His modus operandi is this: Mohan Raj registered as 10 different ‘sellers’ with eBay and hosted different items for sale. Then, using stolen credit card information, he ‘bought’ those items through online auctions making eBay pay up the value of the purchase to the ‘seller’.

Baalu, Assistant Commissioner of CCB, who is in charge of the Cyber Crime Cell, told this website's newspaper: ‘‘The operators of eBay are baffled when more than 28 persons from different parts of Tamil Nadu approached them complaining that they had been receiving credit card bills for the products which they had not purchased through the site. The eBay operators lodged a complaint with CCB.’’

He said ‘‘Mohan Raj had taken 13 SIM cards and had provided the numbers as contact information for his different seller addresses. He then availed the call diversion facility and routed all the calls to a number. The most intriguing part of the case is Mohan Raj’s complete understanding of the working of eBay site,’’ Baalu said.

Mohan Raj had a personal computer and a laptop with broadband connectivity. Using these he had cheated many credit card holders as well as the company. ‘‘Mohan Raj has a keen understanding of the online trade and has misused it to commit a fraud,’’ Baalu said.

Though the case posed a challenge initially given the fact that the online purchases appeared legitimately done through credit card transactions, the Cyber Crime Cell had picked up Mohan Raj’s trail in a short time. ‘‘We suspected that the payment of all these purchases were going to one person. So we gave instructions to eBay that the address for the payment for the last purchase should be sent to us and we tracked the address to Tirupur and arrested Mohan Raj when he received the payment.

Investigations are on to check how Mohan Raj acquired the credit card information, which were vital for online purchases. ‘‘We do not know the source of the information. We also suspect the involvement of a group which may have provided these information to Mohan Raj,’’ he said.

This is only the second such case in the whole country, after the Hyderabad case. ‘‘But, that was a purchase fraud, where the credit card details were stolen from a petrol bunk and were used for purchasing goods over internet,’’ Baalu said.

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best regards

Umang Midha

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Community Member

eBay should be more carefull and should not allow these things to happen in future. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
Message 2 of 12
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Community Member
Message from Deepak Jacob - Head Legal and Compliance : eBay India

Dear Users,

Since there have been several posts on this topic that seem to suggest that eBay.in did not take any steps to prevent or investigate this fraud, I felt that it would be imperative to bring some facts of the matter to light, while also reassuring our community of Users that eBay.in continues to have a strong commitment towards ensuring that, the Site remains a safe & secure platform for conducting ecommerce.

Kindly note that globally, the eBay Fraud Investigation Team (FIT) adopts a standard practice of early detection through its fraud prevention tools & investigative techniques. eBay provides remedies & recourse for victims of any illegal activity through proactive enforcement of TnS Site Policies with the support of Law Enforcement agencies. The situation in eBay.in is no different, as we too have implemented similar fraud detection & prevention tools & techniques. We have also adopted a similar practice of proactive & preventive enforcement against illegal activity onsite, with full support from the Indian Police agencies to ensure that the eBay.in community of Users remain safe and secure while transacting on the site.

Even in this case, we allocated all our TnS & FIT resources to conduct a rigorous & time consuming investigation which led to the early detection of a pattern of fraud regarding this User. Thereafter, we decided to track the User for a period of time, to enable us to gather enough evidence, to initiate action against him. We also gathered additional evidence & information from the various complaints filed by Buyers who had availed of our Buyer Protection Program.

Once we identified the source & location of the illegal activity, we then filed a complaint with the Chennai Cyber crime Cell, who in turn conducted further investigations, tracked down the User and apprehended him. We are happy with the outcome of this case, and assure you that we will continue to work with Law Enforcement on this case & other such cases to ensure that our community of Users are secure in the knowledge that the eBay.in Fraud Investigation Team will continue to protect & serve the interests of its community.

Kindly note that eBay has zero tolerance for illegal activity & we value any inputs & comments from our Voices members & community in this regard.

Thanks & best regards,

Deepak Jacob
Head Legal & Compliance
eBay India
Message 3 of 12
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Community Member
well thnx to umang for posting this article..and the FIT team for clarifying.. well..my concern is why hasnt ebay taken anya ction against our friend Shakawath Hussain from Kolkatta, who has committed a similar fraud..???
Message 4 of 12
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Community Member
For puchasing online through credit card, in addition to the 16 digit credit card no (which is there in the front of the card), a three digit confirmation no (which is there in the back of the card)is required. Though 16 digit no can be available at any merchant establishment (since a copy of the charge slip is available with them), it is not clear how the three digit no is available with him. Anybody has a clue?
Message 5 of 12
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Community Member
The 3 digit code can be easily memorised by the merchant (fraud) while verifing the signature

Message 6 of 12
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Community Member
the three digit security code doesnt appear on the charge slip. ofcourse at a emrchant location where the card is swiped the merchant can take a look at the card and memorise the code. but more than that there are several softwares that are available on the net which generate randon credit card numbers.. one step advanced - pay for those software and u will even get the code generator for a particular card. its like the machine that is used to break open security coded locks - using millions of code combinations
Message 7 of 12
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eBay Employee
eBay Employee

I saw this discussion on credit card relatd safety issues. Some of you pointed out that it is easy for someone to memorise the 3 digit code and then misuse the card number online.

Some time back indconcept had posted this very useful tip on credit card safety. You might find it useful as well:

"The TIP is.....

That you use your Credit Card at a number of Places....Restaurants, Petrol Pumps, shops etc.

Someone may note down the numbers and use it over the net.
Then you are in for unnecessary troubles.

The best is to hide the extra 3 digits of your Credit Card. That is the 3 digits after the 16 digits Card Number.

Then it won't be that easy for the Fraudster.
He will have to try punching hundreds of time before he can guess the 3 digits out of 999.

Just blank it off by pasting a small black paper on the extra 3 digits.
I have done it on all my Credit Cards."

Message 8 of 12
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Community Member
Hey Sapana...

even blanking out the security code doesnt help!!! if u have the CC number generator.. go to google and search..u will get 100's of number generators!!!
Message 9 of 12
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Community Member
Good idea Sapana,

srjsms, Its not so easy to crack and find the security code.

If would so, then nobody would have opted for the credit cards. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
Message 10 of 12
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