shipping cost very high

Community Member
Bazze normally used to charge Rs150 to 200 for delivery charges but now after taken over by Ebay the delivery charges have increased to 300 which is very expensive for if have to pay Rs300 as delivery to buy a product whose value is 400 then it makes no sense.

Please bring down the cost of delivery.
Message 1 of 27
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shipping cost very high

Community Member
The courier charges are a sham. Ironically, ebay does have a policy whereby one cannot charge unreasonable shipping charges. But I guess thats only on paper. In practice, its wink-wink nudge-nudge kind of arrangement with the sellers. In the process, genuine buyers and sellers suffer.
Message 11 of 27
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shipping cost very high

Community Member
I am a new buyer.My idea to buy a product is dropped while seing the shipping cost, where the seller also belongs to the same place.At sometimes shipping cost is 200% as the cost of the product. After seeing the many reviews this is the worst service i have never seen. e-bay has to take care of its valuable buyers and sellers by solving this worst issue taking place on their site.
Message 12 of 27
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shipping cost very high

Community Member

Hello Buyers!!! U can
complaint about a seller through customer support if u find anything wrong in
his listing like --- Higher shipping charges. There are many good sellers also
who charge fair shipping charges and not higher.


Seller on

user posted image

Message 13 of 27
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shipping cost very high

Community Member
I still remember sham stuff, usually electronics and computers, priced at Rs 1 that was shipped for Rs 1000-2000 on the old Bazee Site (may it rest in peace). I havent seen such huge shipping costs on Ebay till date.

However the shippng costs are still high, lets just accept it
the shipping costs are the only way for sellers to make a profit on low price items.
Message 14 of 27
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shipping cost very high

Community Member
Shipping charges may vary from courier to courier.

the shipping charge for whipping with Blue Dart and Shipping with other local couriers is vast (300-600 compared to 100) - Insurance cover for products may also be costing the seller extra.

If a seller is listing at Re 1 dosent mean its for sale at Rs 1. its and auction. However please do not expect bidding from re 1 on shipping charges aswell.

Also, The shipping charge may also have been entered by mistake.. try contactign the seller with clarifications. and report to ebay if required.
regards !! Sunny ๐Ÿ™‚

Age and knowledge don't always come together. Sometimes you just get the age...

:) Sunny ๐Ÿ™‚
Message 15 of 27
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shipping cost very high

Community Member
pls ignore spelling mistakes int he earlier post - actually the peview of postings by ebay is pathetic. regards !! Sunny ๐Ÿ™‚

Age and knowledge don't always come together. Sometimes you just get the age...

:) Sunny ๐Ÿ™‚
Message 16 of 27
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shipping cost very high

Community Member

I feel that whenever you come across an item which has the starting price of Re1.00/- but has the shipping cost of say maybe Rs.500/-. You are totally mind blown and as soon as you see that you feel cheated.

I had come across such a case and so I wrote a mail to customer support including such an item number and I'm glad to say that the auction was ended by eBay.

So sometimes the action that we take does account for something.
Message 17 of 27
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shipping cost very high

Community Member
Dear All,

It seems we all have conveyed the same message that the shipping charges are to high. Moreover, in the shed of insurance coverage the sellers have their own say. Let the buyer decide how he wants to get the material rather than the seller dictating the terms and on top of it E-bay alloiwing them to add the shipping charges in the bidding price.


No feedback yet received on the Indian Postal meet E-bay had couple of weeks back?

Uday Kumar
Message 18 of 27
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shipping cost very high

Community Member
Hi buddy,

First of all, lemme tell you that your impression about the shipping charges getting higher after eBay took over Baazee is not true.

Actually, eBay, or Baazee formerly has nothing to do with the shipping costs. Neither does it set the shipping charges, nor does it charge the seller any fees for shipping. It is the seller who decided and lists the shipping costs. It is the seller who charges high shipping price to cover other expenses and not eBay. Lemme give you an example.

Have you ever seen the 1 Paisa auctions??? Ever seen the products and their starting price?? Ever wondered how can they afford to list such items starting a t just 1 Paisa??? Now look at the shipping price. Everything is covered in the shipping costs. The item may be priced at just Re. 1, but the shipping is Rs. 250/-. We all know this is not realistic. But actually, it's the other way round.

The actual item costs around Rs. 10, and the shipping is Rs. 150. So just to attract the buyers by showing cheap starting prices, they just swap the charges, and the buyers sometimes avoid to see the shipping charges.

To avoid such hassles, you can always ask the seller to tell you the name of the courier company that s/he is gonna ship the item. Then all you need to do is to go to the office of that courier and get the actual rates. This way you can also report the seller and help the community.

I hope I was helpful, and please let me know if you require any more assistance.

Luv All,

Message 19 of 27
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shipping cost very high

Community Member
i as a seller ..... do agree with most of the posts that some of the items are selling at ridiculously high shipping charges " WHICH IS WRONG " ... but lets face the reality ..... buyers are not attracted to auctions that are listed at say 200.00 rupees with normal shipping say 100.00 charges for a product which retails at 500.00 ..... but list the same item at RE.1.00 and bids start flowing in like a downpour !!!!!!!!!!! so a seller is tempted to list the product at 1.00 and cover the cost of the product by increasing shipping .... lets face it this is the actual reason behind abnormal shipping charges ... and instead of curbing it .. a practical solution would be ebay india creates a seperate cataegory for RE.1.00 listings and for this particular category ... a BOLD sign is displayed for prospective buyers " please doublecheck shipping charges and if comfortable only Then bid/buy it " ........ if still the seller finds buyers who are WE to stop these sellers ??? AND ONE LAST THING IF as a buyer you can expect a camera's at RE.1.00 ... you should also be able to digest that shipping charge can be 500.00 for that item ๐Ÿ™‚
Message 20 of 27
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