How easy it is to do fruad on

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I was tracking few suspicious mobile seller selling at low price like 7oceanmobiles, best-pricee
Both had 7 to 10 positive rating. Now after the bidding ended for 5- 10 mobiles which they sold on ebay (and must have received money), they are "Not a registered user"

So, they duped buyers of more than 10,000. Since ebay very cleverly says --it is not their job to ensure proper delivery etc etc., seller simply goes away !!

Many lost 20k, 30k with hope to get things at cheap price. (i lost $12 on ebay when seller was no longer registered, i paid thru paypal but both ebay & paypal said--they can't do anything X-( )

My suggestion--don't buy from any seller with less than 200 or more positive rating--u will be more or less safe.

Or better yet, don't buy anything here.

Ur comments??
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How easy it is to do fruad on

Community Member
Maximum sellers are cheaters here on ebay.

I too am a seller but i have never treated my custumers in this way.

Whenever i bought i got cheated cheated and only cheated there are very very few sellers that really delivered what they said.
I am truly very unhappy till date i think why i wasted my money buying stuff on ebay.

first bad experience was when i bought a slimming vibtration belt from seemagifts.
i got the adapter totally broken that was useless for me. I told them that it is badly broken and cannot be used at all.
They gave an amazing support by telling it was not at the time of dispatch they checked before dispatching so i got cheated here !
The packing of the machine was so much poor that it was easy for the whole parcel to get damage in transit. even when i bought another adapter and used it the machine did not worked at all i had to push the machine from the top with my hand to keep it working
Then again i mailed them telling them that their machine is also useless, I got once again an extremly wonderful support.
The machine was tested before dispatach it was working well.
Now my money was all lost and the drawback was i couldn't even give a negative rating because i was so much sure that they will also do the same for me without any of my faults.
I saw their feedback profile and found several buyers those gave them negative feedback recieved the same for none of their faults.

Another bad day for me when i recently bought :
Orignal Sew Smart Sewing Machine With foot pedal (#320107935925) from seller : omgifts


Please do not bid or buy the items from him a totally cheat person.
i bought the costly machine instead of the cheaper one to get the best thing delivered for my home.
The machine does not works i told the seller that it doesn't works i tried everything what he said :
It works i know what i sold. You go and get education on how to use a sewing machine from someone who knows how to use it.

Now what he means to say is that indians are such a dumb persons who don't even know how to use a sewing machine !!

i wrote him that the machine runs and stops runs and stops it doesn't works properly i.e the motor of the machine that runs the sewind machine was not working it runs for a few seconds and then doesn't moves at all ...
I got it repaired spending 100Rs. this i wrote to him in mail, then it started working BUT ONLY FOR A FEWS MINUTES.
i didn't knew it won't work again like before even after spending another 100Rs. i left this THIRD CLASS PRODUCTS SELLING SELLER A POSITIVE FEEDBACK while i shouldn't have..
The machine is lying in my house like a showpiece can anybody please help i lost my money again i hate buying on ebay India. My advice stop buying here many Indian sellers are cheaters selling the most worst and totally third class items better use instead.

Please beware of Seemagifts and omgifts the worst custumer service , they will threat you for negative feedback, and trust my words if the item is non working or damaged your money gone..
Message 11 of 25
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How easy it is to do fruad on

Community Member
i want to by a mobile worth 6ooo......should i buy from here or not..
Message 12 of 25
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How easy it is to do fruad on

Community Member
I agree that ebay has less buyer protection than seller protection but i think they are getting better. Of course the sellers reputation has to be checked properly. Also check that the feedbacks don't sound kind of same. Get a contact number of the seller before buying an item and call to see if it works especially when you are buying expensive products even for the less expensive one's if you want to be on the safe side get contact information. You may get an idea of the seller if you have a chat with them mostly. Some sellers are very courteous and cooperative and give calls to make sure everything is alright but some of them are rude. if you don't like their tone you need not buy from them and also don't buy from people who don't give you contact information. they may be trying to cheat. I have purchased around 25 items from ebay mostly from power sellers and some from small sellers too. Power sellers are very good. I have received all my items including mobile phone(from sun.infotech) in good conditions. Some arrived very late...the courier in which they are sending has also to be checked, If the courier is not good maybe your product will come in a very bad condition. so you can also ask the seller which courier he is using and check its reputation. take care
Message 13 of 25
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How easy it is to do fruad on
Community Member
eBay is a safe trading marketplace where thousands of Buyers and Sellers have a safe online shopping experience.

In our endeavor to make eBay a safe and secure online marketplace we have systems in place to identify and prevent any potential Bad Buyer Experience.

eBay recommends its Buyers to be prudent before any transaction and evaluate the item and the seller. As a buyer ensure you have gone through Buying Tips before you make your purchase

As some of the members pointed out, in the event of a dispute on a transaction on eBay, eBay has a robust buyer protection mechanism. I suggest you go through this link on Protection for Buyers

eBay India has a Security & Resolution Centre that helps both buyers & sellers to prevent / resolve any disputes thus making it a safe and secure market place

More over we closely work with Law Enforcement to prosecute any member who violates eBay's Trust and Safety Policies

I urge all members to report Suspected Sellers using this Link Regards,
Message 14 of 25
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How easy it is to do fruad on

Community Member
HERE IS THE REPOST OF ONE OF MY BLOG, The blog went unnoticed so I think this is right discussion to post as it is related to FRAUD:

Hi all,

Newbees or experienced eBay sellers, you all are lucky if you never had any kind of Chargeback isuue in your slling life. If you do not understand what a chargeback means, you are lucky as you never had any isuue of this kind and "ignorance is a bliss".

Anyway, for those who wants to know more what I am writing about then read on............

"Chargeback" is made by the credit card company of Buyer. The buyer will palce you an order, she will pay using her credit card and she may anytime lodge a complain with her credit card company for a chargeback. So generally a buyer will lodge this only if she doesn't recieve the items she ordered for and to get the money back she may lodge a chargeback.

Now in case if you have shipped the items, you may provide a POD [Proof of delivery] and can save your hard earned money by getting chagredback. So what I am trying to prove here............

Hold your breath and prey you never face this kind of situation. Apart from the non-delivery of the items, a buyer may also lodge a chargeback of a payment if she feels the items she has recieved is not significantly as described. [ in simpler terms, if the buyer do not like the items, she may lodge a chargeback, a reason enough to get on]

So you think eBay's so called policies will come to rescue you out of this mud, or your so called RETURN policy will come to rescue you. Forget it, as I told you in my another blog entry, it is better to get scummbed then to fight a lone battle [My personal views, no need to get inspired], here is what eBay writes in its chargeback policy:

Cases in which no chargeback protection is provided by PaisaPay:

Delivery of the item purchased is not made or item delivered is significantly different from the item description
I asked an eBay official about this cryptic last sentence of this policy, and queried about this "Significantly Different" term and also asked who decide the difference and I hear a long silence and had to cut off the phone line as I knew I got my answer. And anybody of you wants to get the taste of it try to ask this to some ebay people. At the most they will refer you to some ODR [I do not know if I am writing this rightly] and if you wanna have a whole hearted laugh, more laughter then any of the Tube programme go and see the fee table and time limit of this ridiculous ODR system.

So the bottom line is that if you have got any chargeback due to "Item significantly different from the item description". I bet only god can save you no one else. Please do not ask if this all happens on PAYPAL, the answer will scare to your soul. they not just make the reversal, they will charge you a disput challange fee from you [for losing] and that too in US $.

Hope I am not being rude anywhere.


Message 15 of 25
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How easy it is to do fruad on

Community Member
I have a buyed a monster truck from electronix_mall and payed through paisa pay, he delivered the truck after two weeks that is also repeatedly emailing and after opening a distpute for item not received. he delivered the item but it was a off-roader that is of very cheap quality that is available in delhi under Rs. 1000 and I paid Rs.3040 for that piece of shit and the seller says that I send him a picture of the truck so that he can see what he sent me. ?:|

In short I will say that nearly 95% seller on ebay are bogus or they think that they can do anything and ebay supports seller not buyer.

I can give example that if the seller only excepts cheque and drafts and the buyer protection works on paisapay only then why ebay allow this kind of transactions. Ebay should take actions against this type of things and just not say that they cannot do anything.
Message 16 of 25
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How easy it is to do fruad on

Community Member
50k protection? ebay does nothing. that's why many get duped 😞
Message 17 of 25
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How easy it is to do fruad on
Community Member
Dear All,
There is one seller :
insihozi ( (24)

This seller is selling on auctions starting at 1 rupee ! But if you won the items at high price and he is making profit, then only he will send the items otherwise he can do all kind of tricks.

I bid on several of item from this seller and won two of the cosmetic items at Rs 30 and 51 respectively. These items were listed as Free sgipping to everywhere in India. The item numbers are : Oriflame Baby Talc (360019528207) & Oriflame Visions Lip Love Lipstick (360019527991).
First I received the payment information for both the items at more than Rs 300/- The seller added Vat and insurance multiplying the bid amount to many times. When I asked him why the insurance was charged as it was never anywhere mentioned on the item page and also taxes with very hard to find. He just removed the insurance but not the VAT @ 10%.
Anyway, I paid the items quickly with 10% surcharge.
After about 5 days, I did not received any reply/information from the seller, I mailed the seller several times and what I got the reply; please look ?? ....

hie sir since the item cost is 3 times more and i cant give you at this price so ebay will refend your money back. sorry. bye tc

Then I replied to the seller that I will do complain against him for fake auctions, now what I received back is also below:

do as you feel like.... and let me see how far you keep your word... i will wait ... bye tc...

And After being making complaint to ebay : they said that my money will be returned back because I paid with paisapay, after 10 days and to leave appropriate feedback to the seller.
I left the feedback and Guess what?? I bet you all know !
I immediately received back one Red negative to my feedback. Please do check the feedback of our both.

Now, is not ebay is helpless !!!!

I request to all who agree with me to bid and buy one item from this seller and leave him appropriate feedback. Yes, you can make new buyer id to deal with these types - so that you will not ruin your regular id.

Please help me, otherwise many other innocent buyers will be cheated by this CHEATER & FRAUD.

I also request other ebayers to open other such type of frauds and naked them in public.

Message 18 of 25
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How easy it is to do fruad on

Community Member
Verification procedure:
1. The seller should have physical address.
2. Should be with Tax registration numbers and ward location
3. Should give the PAN card number.
4. There should be proof of address ID [ a telephone bill scanned copy]
5. There should be a photo ID [ say driving licence or trade licence scanned copy ]
6. All items listed should be inclusive of VAT;shipping all india basis;transit insurance; This should be rational and uniform under any bidding head.
7. There should be a tool to upload the proof of payment immediatly. so that the seller can't claim that awaiting for the payment.
8. eBay should have minimum permenant security deposit based on the listing value from the sellers; this will reduce fake and untrustworthy sellers.
9. The policy should be fair enough to resolve any problem strictly within 15 days.
10.Ids of the buyers shall also be insisted while regestring itself.
Message 19 of 25
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How easy it is to do fruad on

Community Member
Dear Buyer,

I can Understand your concern about your fraud stuff. But I think its your Mistake, you Should have to Check Seller's

His Reputation or Feedbacks
His Visibility on Ebay Since
His Negative Feedbacks

about Fraud, ebay is protecting buyers more then Sellers. So Claim on ebay about your loss amount, and you will get your money back from ebay.


Kind Regards,
Chinmay Tripathi
Message 20 of 25
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