I require some help regrading one of my purchases.
On 31st of July I bought a GeCube 4850 (Used) graphic card, via Paisa Pay.
http://cgi.ebay.in/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270615547734&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT#ht_500wt_115... ItemID 270615547734 http://myworld.ebay.in/anant.sharma.860/
After almost 8 days i receive the card. However after installation it doesn't work. The seller suggested that my PSU is faulty, hence i bought a new PSU worth 3500 bucks, nevertheless the card still did'nt work. Now I was sure that its the card's fault as my older card with exactly same power requirements works flawlessly.
After a repeated communication with the seller I was told
The way i see it, i send you a card in working condition only to have it returned it back to me not the way it was and of absolute no use to anyone. If there was some damage during transit then i fail to understand how i should be held resposible for it, because it was for you the product was shipped off in the first place."
I have opened a case, however i'm really pissed of with the seller's attitude that "the damage was in transit, so the seller can't be responsible"X-(
Kindly advice what should I do??:|