Hi! All, What i think is.... it is really useless to follow up with
ebay. You wont get any sought of help from ebay. What you get is a pre
written text which is a ready reply which is just copied and pasted with
some links to go through which really ...
Hi! all, I had a dispute with a seller & written about that to ebay.i
got replay from Mr. KRISH of ebay india team. I would like to highlight
few of his words from his mail :-(I found that the auction for the phone
that you purchased was removed beca...
Dear Sir, Kindly provide direct mail support link.Incase of any
problem,It will help a lot for new users on ebay. Presently your support
is only with sellers & buyers has to suffer like me.I never had any
problem with Baazee but i am sorry to say,wit...