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I am in a real problem. E bay may kindly do something about this I have sold around 95 items in last 2 months, of which for 42 items, I was forced to File for final value credit. That means almost 50% after bidding for the item refused to respond to ...
I practise astrology and consultation for star stones, gemology etc. Can I offer my service through e bay and use paisa pay option for services offered in this regard
Dear members I am a new seller at E Bay. Can any one please clarify my following doubts. 1. How does E bay get paid when some one is buying my items through Cheque, DD ? 2. How does E bay get paid if some one buys items through paisa pay- Internet ba...
Dear members I am a new seller at E Bay. Can any one please clarify my following doubts. 1. How does E bay get paid when some one is buying my items through Cheque, DD ? 2. How does E bay get paid if some one buys items through paisa pay- Internet ba...