User Activity

I strongly believe that Negative feedback for buyers should come back as there are so many buyers who just bid for item and don't pay up when they win the item at end of the auction. Why always sellers have to be punished.
There is user by login Id "nkjains" beware of this guy he is fraud and big cheat. Does not pay up after purchasing item. He give confidence that once a seller ships the item he would determinately pay up but would ditches you instead. And also leaves...
In new feedback system has been designed which will be rejoice to buyers. Now buyers no longer can receive negative feedback. Like aswinnwakk has not paid for the item bought. Now Is is right to give positive feedback for such buyers. Be aware with t...
I had put up one Motherboard which was defective for sale. I had mentioned in my description that item is defective and non functional. One of buyer bought without reading the description and now he is saying that I have cheated him and done fraud. T...