Hi everyone, This post is for the shop subscribers. If anyone of you
need any guidance on shop related part or have any queries then let me
know I'll try to solve it. Happy Selling!
Yes, very true. The first 100 listings of your userId is free. In short
first 7 days duration listings only. If you try to list in 30 days
format then you'll be paying Rs.3 instead of Rs.5(Regular non-shop
Sellers)until you cross those 100 listings c...
Instead of listing designer use other templates like Auctiva.com. Here
you'll get lot of templates to Improve your listing presentation.
Noticed that you are using Custom Pages options too which is important.
Just create more... Happy Selling!
@ bijal_eshop Suggestion for your eBay shop. Change the listing view in
your shop now its list view change it to Gallery view & it looks better
than list.. Also activate promotion boxes. You are paying for it so you
should take advantage of every fea...
@ bijal_eshop Agree with you but its the same eBay where you've made
more than 500 feedbacks & definetly made good amount. Instead of
critisizing, come up with some solutions. Only sellers & buyers can
exchange their views & create good environment h...
If you guys are facing such kind of problems from new buyers then you
should restrict them by setting some changes in your account to block
them. Here's how you can do: Account>> Site Preferences>> Selling
Preferences>> Buyer requirements>> Show>> Ed...