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Here is one of the examples of many instances where we get irresponsible answers and Mr.Ravi is has the habit of doing this we guess.Go through entire response he gave and read what we asked at the it is.... Hello, I'm Ravi and I will be...
Buyer visit our listing and than he checks payment option and than he buys item online that means he accepts all the terms mentioned on listing. Than why seller are under threat of negative rating if he doesnt offer one or other payment option which ...
There are many items for which seller can't give more than testing warranty mainly electronics items. seller specificially mention that in his listing that this item has this warranty.If a buyer makes a purchase that means he is accepting the warrant...
There are many items for which seller can't give more than testing warranty mainly electronics items. seller specificially mention that in his listing that this item has this warranty.If a buyer makes a purchase that means he is accepting the warrant...
As per your policy seller has to refund the money to buyer or have to replace.(not sure about this) But lets take an example... just imagine a buyer buys a memory stick from us. We send him a good working piece after due checking.Now he opens a dispu...