“Online Meet for Tech Category” - 15 June (12 – 1 PM)

eBay Employee
eBay Employee
This workshop is aimed at creating an opportunity for the sellers in Tech category to interact with the Tech Category Management Team.
The team will like to know about your concerns for the category and will also discuss on what should be done to strengthen and improve the category. Tech category includes Mobiles, Electronics, Computers, and Cameras etc. If you sell in any of the above categories, do join us for the workshop.

Date: Wednesday 15th June
Time: 12.00 to 1.00 PM (IST)

You can submit your question now by clicking on Post reply button and the Workshop Host will try to answer the same during the workshop.

Community Development Team
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“Online Meet for Tech Category” - 15 June (12 – 1 PM)

Community Member
Hello telesolutions_in1,

Thank you for joining our Workshop. Abhi is typing a reponse to your query as I type. Thyank you for your patience.

Regards, Rohit
Community Development Team

Thanks and Regards,
Buyer Engagement Team
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“Online Meet for Tech Category” - 15 June (12 – 1 PM)

Community Member
Hi telesolutions_in1

Let me start by saying that I understand your concern (I’m still working on my typing speed ! ).

Let me also point out that the Final Value Fee rate falls beyond the Rs. 4000 threshold to 2.5% and paisa pay charges for online bank transfer is 2% … so it is possible to offer products wherein the eBay margin is around 5%.

Also some sellers use a strategy of listing the same product without paisa pay in order to offer a better end price to the customer.

At the same time we’ve heard similar feedback from other sellers and will definitely keep your feedback in mind while making future pricing decisions.
Category Management.

Category Management.
Message 12 of 19
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“Online Meet for Tech Category” - 15 June (12 – 1 PM)

Community Member
Thanx for rply Abhi so are there any promotions planned for the mobile category

Message 13 of 19
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“Online Meet for Tech Category” - 15 June (12 – 1 PM)

Community Member
Hi telesolutions_in1

Thanks for your patience ...

Currently there are multiple entry points to the mobiles category ...

- Theme block in every mailer
- Promoted extensively in father’s day promotions
- Also mobiles link in 1 paisa auctions as well as elsewhere on the Homepage

All in all mobiles is one of the most heavily promoted categories on eBay india across different media.
Category Management.

Category Management.
Message 14 of 19
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“Online Meet for Tech Category” - 15 June (12 – 1 PM)

Community Member
Category Structure Changes

This is one important theme i want to touch upon in this workshop and is related to mahavircomputers_in1's question posted earlier.

The objectives of changing the category structure is always to make it easier for buyers to find the items that they are looking for, which in the long term is always going to be beneficial for sellers.

I would stringly encourage sellers to list their items in the correct categories ... this will not only make it easier for buyers to find relevant items but also improve their buying experience as they will not see irrelavant items.

Typical drivers for category structure changes are:
- When too many items get listed in one particular category i.e. listings go into multiple pages … e.g. MP3 players
- Too many items getting listed in the ‘others’ categories … indicates that the category structure is out of date

We have recently made some changes relating to the MP3 players category ... and would like to seek your feedback for the same. Also would encourage you guys to start adopting the new structure ... when i last looked only 3-4 sellers had listed their items in the newly formed sub-categories.
Category Management.

Category Management.
Message 15 of 19
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“Online Meet for Tech Category” - 15 June (12 – 1 PM)

Community Member
Hmmm.... since there seem to be no further questions i will bring up one more topic on which i want your feedback.

We are experimenting with the introduction of product attributes … those of you selling in the mobiles & accessories and Cameras & Optics categories may be aware of this.

The objective again is to make it easier for buyers to find the items they are looking for.

As some of you may have noticed, product attributes are not yet visible to buyers … this is because we want to be sure of a healthy adoption rate in the seller community before we let the buyers use it.

We have observed very good adoption in the mobile phones category but the Digital Cameras category is lagging behind somewhat … I would encourage all sellers in the cameras category to start using these attributes

We are actively considering rolling out a product attribute based functionality for buyers in the mobile phones category.

If you have any views / suggestions on the above please do let us know.
Category Management.

Category Management.
Message 16 of 19
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“Online Meet for Tech Category” - 15 June (12 – 1 PM)

eBay Employee
eBay Employee
Hi Everybody,

We will be concluding the workshop now. This thread will be live and Abhi will keep on visiting it regularly.If you have any further query please feel free to post here. Abhi will try to find answers and let you know as soon as possible.

Warm Regards
Community development Team
Message 17 of 19
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“Online Meet for Tech Category” - 15 June (12 – 1 PM)

Community Member
how can we advertise our products to cusomer
Message 18 of 19
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“Online Meet for Tech Category” - 15 June (12 – 1 PM)

Community Member
Hi omprakash25!

There are many ways in which you can increase the visibility of your listings to the buyers.

The following link should give you some pointers on this topic:


Hope this addresses your question. Pls don't hesitate to write again for further clarifications.
Category Management.

Category Management.
Message 19 of 19
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