“Online Meet for Tech Category” - 15 June (12 – 1 PM)

eBay Employee
eBay Employee
This workshop is aimed at creating an opportunity for the sellers in Tech category to interact with the Tech Category Management Team.
The team will like to know about your concerns for the category and will also discuss on what should be done to strengthen and improve the category. Tech category includes Mobiles, Electronics, Computers, and Cameras etc. If you sell in any of the above categories, do join us for the workshop.

Date: Wednesday 15th June
Time: 12.00 to 1.00 PM (IST)

You can submit your question now by clicking on Post reply button and the Workshop Host will try to answer the same during the workshop.

Community Development Team
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“Online Meet for Tech Category” - 15 June (12 – 1 PM)

Community Member
Hi. I would like to know what is eBay doing to curb software piracy on the site. The amount of piracy is immense. Insite of postng via the Contact Us link and reporting the item numbers I find that no action is being taken. Just look at the follwing sellers for example:

Message 2 of 19
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“Online Meet for Tech Category” - 15 June (12 – 1 PM)

dear ebay team,

please take some action against wronge product lited in any categary.

example mobile lited in softwares. or software listed in motherboard categary.

please take some action.

thanking you

mahavir computers.

With Regards,
Mahavir Computers Pvt Ltd

Message 3 of 19
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“Online Meet for Tech Category” - 15 June (12 – 1 PM)

Hello. We regret to inform that we won't be able to attend the workshop tomorrow as it is in the afternoon. Do tru to put it post 3:00 pm if possible. Anyways we too would liek to re-iterate an issue already posted by a previous member. What is eBay doing to curb software piracy? The number of pirated sellers are huge which is affecting sellers like us who deal only in Original Software. Also these sellers create multiple listings listing the same item 10-30 items taking up valuable space.

Inspite of contacting eBay through the Contact Us Link for both reporting piracy and also reporting multiple listings we find no action has been taken till date which makes us to think whether the piracy complaint reports sent are ever read.

Anyways here is a list of a few sellers selling pirated items:


The above sellers are guilty of both pirated listings and multiple listings

The seller ebuy-store deals in Original Software but every item he sells is listed atleast 20 times. This really is taking up ad space and also irritates a serious buyer. Inspite of complaints once again no action has been taken???

We feel all eBay has to do to confirm the pirated nature of the products is e-mail the reported sellers asking for proof ot the software they are selling. If they are unable to furnish purchase bills, or re-selling licenses that should be evidence enough.

We request eBay to take this matter up seriously to prevent illegal listings on eBay and also to protect the general interest of the buyer.

We do hope we get a response to our concern at the workshop. And please do not ask us to use the Contact Us link because as already mentioned by us that system of yours is not taking any action.

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“Online Meet for Tech Category” - 15 June (12 – 1 PM)

eBay Employee
eBay Employee
Hello All,

Welcome to the Online meet for tech Category.

Today we have Abhi from category team to field your questions regarding tech category, and also share his learnings and insights with you.

We love workshops to be interactive, so please feel free to make most of this time.

Warm Regards,
Community Development Team
Message 5 of 19
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“Online Meet for Tech Category” - 15 June (12 – 1 PM)

Community Member
Hi Abhi,

I really think 5% (ebay fees) + 3.5% (paisapay fees)= 8.5% is too much for mobile handsets category. we dont have that much margin for mobile handsets. the margin for mobile handset is 1-2% and thats why it is impossible to sell genuine handsets on eBay. what i see selling on eBay is dealer imported handsets with either no warranty or dealer warranty.

Please dear one suggestion just as apromotion(atleast) reduce this fees and youll see a lot more mobiles handsets selling.

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“Online Meet for Tech Category” - 15 June (12 – 1 PM)

Community Member
Hi Everyone!

I will be with you for the next hour to take up any questions / feedback that you have specific to the Technology category on eBay India.
Category Management.

Category Management.
Message 7 of 19
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“Online Meet for Tech Category” - 15 June (12 – 1 PM)

Community Member
To start off let me take up the issue raised by pc_gaming_store and observermission on the issue of curbing software piracy.

eBay worldwide has a program called the VeRO program. VeRO stands for Verified Rights Owner. I’d really encourage you to get more details about the VeRO program using the following link: http://pages.ebay.in/help/confidence/programs-vero.html

... but in brief what you as a seller can do to help us curb software piracy is as follows:

- As a seller you may not own the intellectual property rights to the items which you notice are in violation. In such cases we would you request you to pass the information on to the software / game IP rights owners through their about me pages (http://pages.ebay.com/help/community/vero-aboutme.html) and encourage them take the matter up with eBay
- We would also encourage you to continue to report violations you notice to eBay India through the Contact Us link as it would help us bring more companies into the fold of the VeRO program

Globally companies such as Microsoft, Adobe, Novell, Macromedia, Gameloft, McAfee, Ulead etc. amongst several others are part of eBay’s VeRO program.
Category Management.

Category Management.
Message 8 of 19
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“Online Meet for Tech Category” - 15 June (12 – 1 PM)

Community Member
No replies for me Abhi
Message 9 of 19
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“Online Meet for Tech Category” - 15 June (12 – 1 PM)

Community Member
Anybody home
is the workshop still happenin
Message 10 of 19
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