eBay India Goes anti-national business after Flipkart take eBay - Every seller must know

Dear friends.


Indian big fishes itself responsible for the poor and hunger in our country.

it is said 1 percent big fishes carrying 70 percent wealth of this nation.


Imagine 1 person holding Rs.70 and whereas 99 percent just Rs.30

You think it is totally unfair. YES that is true. if you take humanity in count as well. This is wrong.


But, this is not set automatically. Big fishes, lot of political powers behind it since decades.


And foreigns nationals are not responsible for that. Indian people itself ruining our country and making other majority of people to suffer from financial problems. 

Huge unemployment.

See this as an example. Flipkart which born in India. NOW looting the nation. I think government should immediately take all teh wealth of Flipkart owners 


SIMPLY SEE THIS AN EXAMPLE OF LOOTING MY THIS ANTI-NATIONAL COMPANY eBay after Flipkart worst company buy this eBay India.

It is looting the nation.

==> Item: Home theatre cable.
Total cost: 154
eBay Anti National Company Looting charge - Rs. 10.0 + 20.0% = 48.14
eBay Powership HUGE fees for smallest 50 gram item Rs.70.80
Payable Amount to Seller Rs.35.06

Again seller need to pay deduct packing and other expenses.

After going all this. SELLERs have to BEG on the streets. By working hard.

By facing all harassing process and then PAYING from his pocket instead of getting profit.


Shame on this looting system. Government should take action and BAN this type of companies.
irrespective of if they are BIGGEST fishes like Flipkart. Else nation continue to suffer with unemployment.

A foreign company eBay when it lauched in India and operated for more than a decade. Understand the nation. they used to charge less fees. NOW this anti national Flipkart. Says born in India. But, going against the national businesses.



So this is the condition of anti national forces that ruining the employment sector in the country. 

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