What is a sellers mistake if buyers do not pay? Why is a seller punished?

I have received a mail as mentioned here “In order to keep eBay Marketplace safe for our Buyer & Seller community, we regularly review Buyers & Sellers activity on site. Your past selling trend indicates that most Buyers who have purchased products listed on eBay.in using a non PaisaPay payment method (i.e. Cheque, Demand draft ,Cash on Delivery etc) do not end up paying you for their purchase.

In order to help you grow your business on eBay.in, eBay has restricted the payments methods which can be offered to your buyers. Henceforth you will be able to only offer PaisaPay as payment method to your buyers. You will not be able to list your item if you select any other payment method in addition to PaisaPay. This restriction will be active for a period of 45 days from the day it is placed on your account. Post the time we will review and discuss with you for changes if required.

What is my mistake if the buyers do not pay after purchase? Why is my ID put on restriction for buyer’s mistake?

If I use only paisapay then how will my international buyers purchase from me as they like to pay by PayPal.

I checked my selling details and noticed the following.
Awaiting Payment – 13
Awaiting Shipment – 9
Paid and Shipped – 472

What went wrong if 13 buyers did not pay? And is it my mistake if they did not pay.

What sought of restriction is this? Can someone help.

Thanking you
Message 1 of 23
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What is a sellers mistake if buyers do not pay? Why is a seller punished?

I havent got mail.
I got error while relist.

This is ridiculous.
Ebay is working like a communist state and controlled economy.

Message 11 of 23
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What is a sellers mistake if buyers do not pay? Why is a seller punished?

I have faith in PayPal.
I have faith in PaisaPay.
My faith in PaisaPay is a wee bit more.
That is why I have not pulled shutters at my home site.
I dont like private bank transfer at all. Some Indian buyers are mischievous. Only PaisaPay can tackle them.
But,if they restrict PayPal here, then I got to think twice..
I dont understand how they can implement this. This will increase outside ebay transaction.
Message 12 of 23
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What is a sellers mistake if buyers do not pay? Why is a seller punished?

Community Member
@ raj da,

I am laughing , laughing , laughing and laughing since I read your post. I wanted to say it many times what you said but was respecting the seniority.

Even I have faced same issue. It is nothing but a small gimmick to increase revenues indirectly by eBay. It will be better if the energies are concentrated on rather positive directions and avenues for revenue generation.
Hope this was discussed in Weekend Quarterly Review.

It is a fact that as the Paisapay is not accepting many major Indian Banks Debit Card for eg- SBI, many buyers prefer paying money directly to sellers using other online/methods which cuts down paisapay commission. So just to make sure that some 5% stays with eBay, this new tantrum has been thrown.

I do understand that their are some sellers who are bent on cheating buyers using these offline methods but why punish entire marketplace because of that, also giving the excuse of UPI's is really not correct. Also sellers should have been taken into confidence before such a big step.

Ya and one more thing, In case sellers want to accept offline methods, just mentioning on their listing description that if you dont have facility to use paisapay contact seller will do the trick.. that will help buyers who cant use paisapay. So Indirectly this step is going to increase offline transactions, by which eBay will also use FVF's.
Message 13 of 23
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What is a sellers mistake if buyers do not pay? Why is a seller punished?

Community Member

Well said ..Ebay is actually getting like a communist state trying to dictate "irritating" terms too often.

Even we realized this only while listing.
No mail from ebay .. pathetic !!!
Message 14 of 23
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What is a sellers mistake if buyers do not pay? Why is a seller punished?

Thank God! I thought only I had this problem due to having committed some grave error! Thank God I am not alone!
Message 15 of 23
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What is a sellers mistake if buyers do not pay? Why is a seller punished?

This is a technical issue. Soon it will be resolved.
This is not like Communist ruled China or CPM ruled Bengal. PaisaPay is as good as ever.
Hope you will show patience.
Message 16 of 23
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What is a sellers mistake if buyers do not pay? Why is a seller punished?

Community Member
This is really a sorry stage. buy genuine mobiles at unbeatable price.

Change is state of mind..but inevitable.
buy genuine mobiles at unbeatable price.

Change is state of mind..but inevitable.
Message 17 of 23
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What is a sellers mistake if buyers do not pay? Why is a seller punished?

I have received the below message from eBay.

Dear Member,

In order to keep eBay Marketplace safe for our Buyer & Seller community,we regularly review Buyers & Sellers activity on site. Your past selling trend indicates that most Buyers who have purchased products listed on eBay.in using a non PaisaPay payment method (i.e. Cheque, Demand draft ,Cash on Delivery etc) do not end up paying you for their purchase. This is resulting in your item ending sooner than they should have & also results in you wasting your time & resources in filing a UPI against the Buyer.

In order to help you grow your business on eBay.in, eBay has restricted the payments methods which can be offered to your buyers. Henceforth you will be able to only offer PaisaPay as payment method to your buyers.You will not be able to list your item if you select any other payment method in addition to PaisaPay. This restriction will be active for a period of 45 days from the day it is placed on your account. Post the time we will review and discuss with you for changes if required.

This will benefit your business on eBay.in in the following ways

•Your listing will not end prematurely due to purchases made by frivolous buyers
•Only Buyers having the willingness to pay will be able to purchase the products you have listed
•You need not waste your time & energies in filing UPI

Hope to see your business growing on eBay.in

eBay India

Now my point is,

Many buyers who do not have credit card or online bank facility,such buyers pay through cheque, DD, money order and through ATM Drop Box method.

Many sellers are now forced to change the payment method only to PaisaPay.

Now buyers (Who do not have credit card or online banking facility) will not able to buy anything and that will be total loss for seller like me and also for eBay(as eBay will not get Final Value fees.)

Ebay must understand that Indian online market is still not so much develop that each and every buyer will have electronic means to pay, there are still many buyers who still pay through Offline Payment method like Cheque,DD etc.

Also maximum of the foreign buyers only know and prefer to pay through PayPal and they do not prefer PaisaPay.

Now since many sellers can only offer PaisaPay, we will loose business from foreign buyers who earlier used to buy and pay us through PayPal. So this will be again a total loss for sellers and eBay.

I have over 600 items for sell, revising each and every listing will be too much time consuming.

I request ebay to remove this restriction as it will only hamper the sales and will also result in loss to eBay (loss of final Value fess).

This is a very unfair step.

I request all eBay sellers to post their view on this issue.

Best Regards,
Deep Agarwal.

Message 18 of 23
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What is a sellers mistake if buyers do not pay? Why is a seller punished?

This is resolved.
As responsible community members, we should thank PaisaPay for working this so fast.
Thank you PaisaPay,
Message 19 of 23
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What is a sellers mistake if buyers do not pay? Why is a seller punished?

Community Member
Same happened with me today:-(, they have restricted my account for 45 days and only paisapay payment can be accepted, reason being the same that i have filed lot of UPI. Those who can pay by paisapay do pay by paisapay only 5-10% of people who cant pay by paisapay select these methods. this simply means i would be losing around 10% of my sales.
Message 20 of 23
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