@ raj da,
I am laughing , laughing , laughing and laughing since I read your post. I wanted to say it many times what you said but was respecting the seniority.
Even I have faced same issue. It is nothing but a small gimmick to increase revenues indirectly by eBay. It will be better if the energies are concentrated on rather positive directions and avenues for revenue generation.
Hope this was discussed in Weekend Quarterly Review.
It is a fact that as the Paisapay is not accepting many major Indian Banks Debit Card for eg- SBI, many buyers prefer paying money directly to sellers using other online/methods which cuts down paisapay commission. So just to make sure that some 5% stays with eBay, this new tantrum has been thrown.
I do understand that their are some sellers who are bent on cheating buyers using these offline methods but why punish entire marketplace because of that, also giving the excuse of UPI's is really not correct. Also sellers should have been taken into confidence before such a big step.
Ya and one more thing, In case sellers want to accept offline methods, just mentioning on their listing description that if you dont have facility to use paisapay contact seller will do the trick.. that will help buyers who cant use paisapay. So Indirectly this step is going to increase offline transactions, by which eBay will also use FVF's.