1st of all greetings to all seller who selling their items on ebay successfully.But anytime your a/c will be restricted or suspended due to seller non performance. I think many seller will agree with me about this matter.
My current feedback rating is 100% but ebay TNS had restricted my a/c for 1 month due to seller non permormance.On-24/8/10 they restricted my a/c & delete all my active listings from ebay,that time my feedback rating was 99.4%.I had 4 –ve feedbacks & 5 neutral feedbacks in 1 month. All left feedback is either intentional or unjustified. I can tell this because when I appealed to community court, juries are all agreed that all –ve feedbacks are unfair & should remove from my list.And the result is my current ratings is 100%.
I sent a mail to inrswebhelp@ebay.com & ask them about my sudden restriction reason.They replied me “Hello,
Thank you for writing to eBay. My name is Kripesh and I would be
assisting you with the information regarding your account.
Your account was restricted due to violations of the eBay Seller
Non-Performance policy.
Our records show that you have a high number of outstanding sales where
the buyer did not receive the item or the item was significantly not as
described. Based on input from buyers who have bought items from you,
your account falls in the bottom 1 percent of all eBay sellers for buyer
satisfaction. As a result, your active listings have been ended, and you
will not be able to buy or sell on eBay using your account for a minimum
of 4 weeks.
Our top priority is to ensure that eBay remains a safe and reputable
place to buy and sell. We don't allow members to continue selling on
eBay if they repeatedly fail to fulfill their obligations to their
buyers.” I did not understand their mail,all –ve feedbacks are removed,1 buyer opened a claim,but ebay tns close his claim due to falls claim opened.And till date anyone buyer did not complaint that they did not received items.So on which ground ebay tns restricted my a/c???
Also I don’t understand that when I failed to fulfill my obligation to buyer??? If anything happed then I should have remaining –ve feedbacks & lots of approved claim.And these –ve feedbacks are removed by community court experienced jury members. But both condition is not applied on me.
My question to ebay tns, that after doing nothing why should I suffer this restriction? Yes I got –ve feedbacks but all are invalid & unjustified & the result is in front of you I have currently 100% ratings.
I tried my best to serve to every buyer about their dissatisfaction. So dear all seller it getting very worried that after doing our best input to every buyers our a/c could be restricted or suspended due to seller non performance due to unjustified –ve,neutrals feedbacks & falls claim.Whether these –ve ,neutral feedbacks removed later or not.
And ebay authority please pay your kind attention on my case & consider this matter.Without any fault I have been suffering restriction.Please judge me correctly & reactive my a/c.